The Visibility Impact Show

Business Contradictions Part 2: Posting Something Better Than Nothing [483]

January 11, 2024 Crissy Conner Season 10 Episode 483
Business Contradictions Part 2: Posting Something Better Than Nothing [483]
The Visibility Impact Show
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The Visibility Impact Show
Business Contradictions Part 2: Posting Something Better Than Nothing [483]
Jan 11, 2024 Season 10 Episode 483
Crissy Conner

Posting to post is better than posting nothing?  I disagree, but also there's an easier way to look at this my friends.  Check out today's contradiction.

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Posting to post is better than posting nothing?  I disagree, but also there's an easier way to look at this my friends.  Check out today's contradiction.

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Speaker 1:

So we're changing the name of these. These are no longer business misconceptions, we're going to call them business contradictions, because I think there is a duality to both of them. So we are on part two, and part two, I believe the contradiction is, it's better to post something than nothing, meaning it's better to post a post than post nothing at all. It's better to throw something up so that you have something consistent. And so I've heard this said in many, many different ways. Here's the thing. I don't 100% agree with this, but I also am not going to say that I've not done it. Other leaders have not done it. Other experts in the industry haven't done it, because I think that would be not true. So what I believe is that we build our businesses one piece of content at a time. If we are posting to post or throwing something up because something is better than nothing, like a high percentage of the time, we are not serving our audience. And I do believe that we're consistently attracting and repelling. We're magnetizing people to us, like pulling them to us or we're pushing them away. But also, if you're putting, you're posting to post, if you're just putting something up because something's better than nothing, I also believe that's very so-so content, that could also be very friend zone content, right and meaning that it's not enough to pull them in. It could repel them. Right Doesn't mean they can't find you again, because I believe they can. But also, what if someone is looking for what you have to offer that day? Again, there's a duality here, there's a contradiction here. But where can we become more aligned? Instead of throwing up something to post, just to post, or because something is better than nothing, or I would rather see you repurpose something that did really well. I would rather see you take something that did really well and even if it was in your Facebook memories or your Instagram story memories, right, and really just going in and repurposing that, especially if it did well, versus throwing something up to post because something is better than nothing.

Speaker 1:

Because, most likely, if you find something in your archives or in your history, or even something you posted four months ago and you spent time and actually created something that your audience is desiring and interested in, I believe that they everybody didn't see it right. So why are we just it's better to post something than nothing mentality, when we actually have a huge advantage of a repetition strategy and repurposing the content that the majority of our audience didn't even see, and most of us have grown our audience right. In four months time three months time so the odds are it's going to even get hit different eyeballs than it could have hit in the first place. Most of our content we don't need to post something is better than nothing. We can truly repurpose something we already have or take a piece of something that we've already posted, right? Let's say, I post five ways for you to get visible over the next seven days and I give you a list of five things. Well, technically, I can take each of those five things and create a very specific, narrow piece of content that's going to be more attracted like it's going to be attracted to more by my ideal person because I'm breaking one thing down instead of giving you a list of five. I'm taking one thing and I'm breaking it down even deeper. So where you feel like you need to post something because it's better than nothing, where can you go into your archives, your repurposing or even something you posted earlier this week and expand upon it, deepen it, get more specific and almost have like a mini masterclass style.

Speaker 1:

This can be text. You can type it out. This can also be video, it could be a podcast episode. There's so many places this can go. Again, I'm not saying I've never posted a post and I've never put something up to have something as better as nothing. But I'm asking you to look at a different contradiction or a different duality to this to see how this could look differently or how we could show up differently or how this could feel different. It's just a little shift, just a little perspective where it feels more strategic, more aligned with what we're doing, versus it's better to post something than nothing, even if it's not aligned. When you already have the content there, you just get to deepen it, you get to go into a little bit more detail. I guarantee you, every single person watching this probably has something that they've posted in the last three to five days that they could go deeper on or they could break apart into multiple pieces and be more specific and narrow.

Speaker 1:

A lot of times, we're posting too many options instead of having a repetition strategy that builds us, positions us as the expert, positions us as the authority, but also we don't talk about things as many times as we should, so that we are more memorable in understanding what we do and how we can serve and support our audience. That's my take and my contradiction on posting something as better than nothing or post to post because you don't have anything else to say today. I will add one more thing I believe in consistency and I believe it's very important, but I also believe the more intentionality that we put behind a piece of content. The longevity is just there Meaning if I put up a really good post and it's getting traction and people are commenting on it and I'm replying to comments, that is going to live a little bit longer than something we throw up just to post to post or throw up something is better than nothing. You have options and I don't think you're going to ruin your business either way.

Speaker 1:

Whether we skip posting that day, we decide to repurpose and be more strategic, or we truly do post something because it's better than nothing, I don't think it's going to ruin your business as long as we're not choosing that mentality above more strategic, consistent, aligned content with what we want to talk about and get our message across with Do you post something is better than nothing? You have that mentality and did this serve and support you to think of it in a little different way, so that it doesn't feel as heavy as. Oh, wait a minute, I can be a little bit more aligned here and I don't have to work harder. I just get to work smarter.

The Duality of Posting Content
Strategic Content's Importance in Business

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