The Visibility Impact Show

Business Contradictions Part 4: Passive Income [485]

January 15, 2024 Crissy Conner Season 10 Episode 485
Business Contradictions Part 4: Passive Income [485]
The Visibility Impact Show
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The Visibility Impact Show
Business Contradictions Part 4: Passive Income [485]
Jan 15, 2024 Season 10 Episode 485
Crissy Conner

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It's time for a reality check: earning while you sleep is a dream that comes from the results of consistent aligned actions.

Let's chat about passive income, real or not real and how do you really make easy money?

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It's time for a reality check: earning while you sleep is a dream that comes from the results of consistent aligned actions.

Let's chat about passive income, real or not real and how do you really make easy money?

Speaker 1:

So we just created another video about business contradictions and passive income, and I'm actually doing a different one because I feel like I was holding back just a little bit in that last one and I just want to give you the real raw beliefs that I have when it comes to passive income, and I'm not going to sugarcoat this video, I'm not going to hold back, and so you can feel free to continue watching or leave if it triggers you. It's fine, but I just am not going to hold my tongue. So here it is. I'm going to tell you what passive income really is. Are you ready for it? Passive income is doing all of the visibility work and truly creating an audience of raving fans. Passive income is being visible and being seen and heard, that people know exactly who you are and what you do. Passive income is being so niche that your audience knows exactly how you can serve and support them and help them.

Speaker 1:

Passive income does not start when you create an offer or a program or a e-book or a real book. It doesn't matter, it doesn't start then. It starts years before, and I think there is this misconception that we create something and we can sell it. And yes, I do believe you can, but I don't believe you're just going to present it to the world and they're going to go buying it like hotcakes. That is the wrong description of passive income Passive the true definition is little or no effort, and I apologize, but there's not a whole lot of things in this world that are little to no effort. Do we, as business owners and entrepreneurs, do we do enough things that we do them over and over? And it does get easier or more simpler? Yes, but it's hard. It's hard to be consistently showing up and not getting the sales that you desire. It's hard to consistently have crappy launches. It's hard to consistently sell every day when people don't buy every day until you get to a place that they do. Until you get to a place that you have better launches, until you get to a place where you have more people watching your videos and you have get to a place that you do put out something like a book and people buy it and it seems magical.

Speaker 1:

I had a soft launch on my book. Yes, it did. Well, it's not going to make me six figures, friends. I'm going to tell you that right now, or at least not right now. Maybe over the course of a year or two years or three years, but not in this moment. It's not. It's doing very well and I'm very happy and satisfied with my results, but my results started back in August of 2019, when I started being consistently visible, when I started building raving fans, when I started building an online community. It started way back then and I think that we're giving too many people the misconception that it's go out there and create it. They'll flock to buy it.

Speaker 1:

And again, if you have built a brand and people know who you are, that is correct. Or if you're so niche down and so specific and so searchable, because you are one of the rare people that do what you do, yes, I believe you can make passive income that way too, but why would you sit back and be OK to wait? I talk about this in all my programs. When it comes to selling, when it comes to launching, why are you going to wait? Why are you waiting on sales? Why are you waiting on somebody to give you money? I'm not okay with that. That's not why I signed up to be an entrepreneur. I signed up for time and money freedom, and that is exactly what I get and the amount of money that goes in my bank account is in result of the efforts, of the amount of strangers I talk to. All of those things I do believe in. But it's not how hard I work to create the product. It's how hard I work to create my brand. It's how hard I work to create my visibility. It's how hard I work to create brand awareness. And I do believe that the more you love what you do, the easier it seems. The more in love you are with serving and supporting people, the easier it seems Eight years. When did I officially start? 2015? Officially, my business became a business in 2016. So we're in 2024, so, yeah, eight years. It's finally starting to fill.

Speaker 1:

There are a lot of more easy parts than there ever used to be, and I'm not saying it's going to take you eight years. I don't believe that. But I believe you also get to understand that you can create 100 eBooks or KDP books or whatever. It does not mean that they're going to flock and buy it right away. There's a lot of competition, a lot of competition, especially in what they call low content books, right, meaning a journal or something like that. Like, you create the cover, you create the inside, but it's redundant and it's the same page over and over and over. There's a lot of competition.

Speaker 1:

So if you want to stand out, what do you do? You run ads. In anything that you do, you run ads or you show up in your visible. You use your time, your money or a combination of both. I do have clients who make sales easier than others. Again, they're very niched. Their business is very niched down. There's a handful of people on this earth that probably do what they do, so you can be so specialized to help. But I will say this the one client I'm thinking of in particular she is very niched down. She is very specific in what she does, but she doesn't hide. She's still very visible. She's still into PR, she's still into press releases and doing all of these things. She doesn't just sit and wait for money to fall from the sky. Whenever it's going to fall from the sky, she believes in what she does and she puts herself out there and she markets herself and her business.

Speaker 1:

Can the book, the book, create additional revenue? Yes, it can. Can people buy on Amazon without me doing anything? Yes, they can, absolutely they can. Is it in the top five searches, depending on how you search for content creation? Yes, it is.

Speaker 1:

Did I just magically make that happen or did I really deep dive and research it? I really did a lot of work. I bought a program that helped me do backend research right but I still had to do the work. It didn't put it on a silver platter for me. Those don't happen on a silver platter for me. The more visible I am, the more consistently I show up, the easier sales get to be. But it's all about the effort that I put in. Passive income isn't passive income if your bank account is invisible. That's all I got to say. But I will tell you this, as someone who has been kind of started getting visible in 2016, really decided to get consistent with it in 2019.

Speaker 1:

It's all about showing up, building a brand, becoming memorable, creating raving fans, tightening your message and consistently improving upon that every single opportunity you get, and not waiting, not being okay with just what comes in, but actually putting in the effort. That doesn't seem like effort, because you love what you do and you can't imagine not serving and supporting your people, because that is your number one priority. And that is a beautiful thing, my friends. It's a beautiful thing, but I don't want you to think that creating a KDP book, like I did, is going to make you a millionaire, could it? Yes, are your odds going to be a lot higher if you actually go out and put yourself out there and you actually market and you have a marketing strategy and a visibility strategy and a great content strategy and a great messaging strategy and you make it easy for people to buy from you and you have a great repetition strategy. Yes, yes, yes, it's going to make it a lot easier. My soft launch was a lot easier because I've done all that work and that is what I teach. I don't teach. Let's go create a million programs, let's create something, but let's also create an audience. Let's create raving fans, let's create a marketing strategy.

Speaker 1:

I have been in so many businesses back ends big businesses, small businesses, little businesses, just starting businesses, seven figure businesses and I can tell you that none of them are successful without some type of visibility, some type of strategy, some type of putting yourself out there, brand awareness.

Speaker 1:

I don't even think that you need to be face the cam video all the time, like I don't think you need to do live videos every single day, but I do think that you get to be very smart about what you're doing and very strategic about your doing, and understand that I am in this for the long game. But I'm also willing to do the work because I know that I can get really fast results if I put in the work and I am very consistent, without waiting on instant gratification, without waiting on somebody to buy, with putting myself out there so that I am actively marketing myself and my brand to create the passive, easy, whatever kind of revenue you want to call it. It's available to me. That video felt way better. I can't wait to hear what you have to think about.

Passive Income and Brand Building
Visibility and Strategy in Business

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