The Visibility Impact Show

Shifts That Create Incredible Results...Especially Through Challenges

July 03, 2024 Crissy Conner Season 12 Episode 513
Shifts That Create Incredible Results...Especially Through Challenges
The Visibility Impact Show
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The Visibility Impact Show
Shifts That Create Incredible Results...Especially Through Challenges
Jul 03, 2024 Season 12 Episode 513
Crissy Conner

Episode 513 - A challenge to yourself is just a challenge, until a challenging time comes along and you know you've got this because you purposely put yourself in these types of situation for growth.

In this episode I reflect on past challenges, needing money vs. making an impact and showing up with conviction.  I promise it'll all make sense when you listen in.

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Episode 513 - A challenge to yourself is just a challenge, until a challenging time comes along and you know you've got this because you purposely put yourself in these types of situation for growth.

In this episode I reflect on past challenges, needing money vs. making an impact and showing up with conviction.  I promise it'll all make sense when you listen in.

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Every July, I give myself an insane challenge. And this started back in 2020. Obviously, the world was insane, because we had never experienced any of that before. And my business was not going in the direction, let me correct that my bank account was not going in the direction that I wanted it to. And so I could, so I wouldn't focus on the money, right, the number of a bank account, I decided to focus on something that I could control. And that was the movements I can make. So I already knew I was great. And it was so easy for me to go Facebook Live. So I decided to challenge myself with a very public on my own. This wasn't a challenge that I created for anybody else. I just made it very public. I'm doing this during the month of July. And this is what I'm doing. Follow along. You know, whatever, I'll never forget, there were a couple of people that were in the mastermind I was in that told me flat out, they did not believe that I would do it. And they didn't think I could do it. They didn't they told me this afterwards, by the way, not at the beginning. So I had counted up one day, how many live videos I typically did. Now, this was live, that gotta think we're back in 2020. So live mostly on my business Facebook page, my personal Facebook page, my Facebook group, and then anything that I was, like, you know, doing in programming and things like that. And I remember counting that it was it was close to like 80. Without a challenge, right? Without me challenging myself. The only thing I wanted to do differently was these had to be these all had to be public lives, they could not be cheater lives, meaning I don't even know if stream yard did this back in the day. But I couldn't go live in multiple places at one time. Like it couldn't cheat. Everything had to be aboveboard, and every single live counted. So I did 100 separate lives. Now some of those lives had similar content themes, topic things, which is fine, because I always said something differently, right. And it wasn't allowed to use a repurposing go fake live also not not an option. So I did this to challenge myself, but also because I realized I was focusing on the money. And this is just this whole realization. Like I knew back then I wasn't focused, I was trying not to focus on the money. And but today, like all these things, just unwrapped, and so I'm going to share them with you. So I was also going back to so I did that. And in July of 2020, in September of 2020, if you've ever heard this story, it's in my free group, there's a video the day on was killed my business. And I looked on September 3, I looked at my what was coming in, but what I knew was coming in basically recurring revenue, or retainer revenue or anything like that. And so I knew I only had $2,000 coming in my mastermind I was an was a grand a month. So I'm like how this this can't keep going on. Like, by October, I'm gonna have nothing. And so I freaked myself out. Because, you know, back in July, I was, you know, doing all the, let's focus on something else besides the money, then I did the the numbers and saw the money and realized, Oh, my God, I'm gonna have to quit, I'm gonna have to go get a full time job. Which, by the way, if you ever have to go get a full time job, that's you doing what's best for your family. And as an entrepreneur, we know how to make money, and we will do whatever it takes typically, right? So that means going and signing into a nine to five, until you feel like you can breathe. There's nothing wrong with that. So I just want to preface that. But anyhow, I, I did this and I was just like, I went to my mentor and I said I'm not gonna be able to like continue, like I had already made made my commitment for my, the mastermind I was in. So I could leave at any time I was month to month at that point. But still, I was like, I just can't do this. And so what I focused on so back, remember July 2020. I'm purposely challenging myself right to move to not focus on the money. And so then in September, I feel like I'm putting in the situation where I can't focus on the money because there is no money. In my mind. There is no money to focus on right. There's only the money that's not coming in that I can focus on. But that brings this energy and it's so funny like three things I've talked about today. It just brought this to realization so I am sharing it with you here on the podcast. Okay. So what I realized was I needed the money, okay, I needed money, but I couldn't focus on the money because focusing on the money was going to keep me in worry and you Ever seen that quote like worry, what is worry worry is a Ross is sitting in a rocking chair, and you're not going anywhere, right? You're not going anywhere, you're moving, technically, you're just not going anywhere, you're staying in the same place. And so I knew that I had to shift my focus, and I truly shed the thought of needing money and went into action mode. And when I was talking, I think it was momentum today I was saying this to when I was in the zone, I was in the zone and momentum was happening. I was maximizing everything that I did. And even though it wasn't a per se challenge, right, it wasn't necessarily saying I'm gonna challenge myself to get more money. I was like in need, I needed the money. And I do believe that when we need money, it makes it harder to get money, but I shifted out of the need. And went into action and my passion Newing Newing. Knowing that if I did not turn this around, I was going to lose all that. And I didn't want to lose all that. I didn't want to lose my business. I didn't want to lose what was possible. I don't want to lose the the people that I helped and love supporting and helping them grow their business. And this was before. I mean, at this time. I had like a couple like courses, but I wasn't really selling anything one off. I was doing mostly done for you content at this time. And an ADS ads and done for you content, social media strategy work. We're back in 2020. So So yeah, so what happened was, I just reminded myself, who I was, what I loved imagining that being taken away from me, right? And then I showed up with the passion and the conviction of somebody who was going to get clients. Now, if you've ever been in a service based business or like that, it's not exactly like, I don't say it's harder than getting, like coaching clients or program clients. But it is much higher ticket, right? Typically, there's a call involved, we talk about strategy, I find out where they're at, right? So this isn't like, oh, I woke up and I had 1000s of dollars in my bank account. No, this was like a process. So I literally got clients. In a three week period, I signed enough clients that created $11,000, in recurring revenue in three weeks. Because I wasn't focused on what wasn't coming in the lack, right? I was focused on first of all, not losing my business and how much I loved my business, that conviction of how much I love my business and how much I loved serving and supporting my clients. That's what I focused on. And doing all the money mindset I've done and all the courses. Let me just be very clear. The reason I don't have a money mindset course, because I still have work it to do on myself, which I know we always will no matter what revenue level or income level we're at, we will always need we'll have some new level new devil, right. But however, like I've said, this, I know, all of these money mindset courses, I've taken about four or five, they've all said this, and it says and they say that you It's you can make money when you need money. It's just you could make a lot more if you were in need. And so this realization came was like I definitely needed the money, right? Like I needed the money. But the money didn't lead me. The money didn't drive me the money didn't pull me. My passion, the thought of losing right are shutting down my business, the thought of never been able to help my clients again, you know, those types of things drove me because I knew I had a gift. I knew I had ways to serve and support my clients. And I didn't want to give it up. I didn't want to give it up. And so I'm saying this that because, you know, back in 2020 July 2020 I put myself into 100 lives in 2021. I did 200 lives, right? And 2022 I did 100 Uncomfortable actions in 90 days. Again, it's where I've pushed myself but I believe and this is what I believe. And this all of this came to me today as I was reflecting and reviewing everything that I've done every summer. I believe that putting putting myself in those situations on purpose, right has supported me to be able to look outside of the need of money whenever it has happened whenever I've needed money or needed to increase my revenue, or just experience a dip and wanted to get back to where I want, I believe that me pushing and stretching myself helps me Yes. First, we always have that mourning period, where it's like, oh my god, what am I going to do? What am I going to do? What am I going to do? What am I going to do? And then boom, turn it around, put big girls panties up, move on, go go into action, and go into action, not with shaking in my boots every day, thinking, When am I who's gonna pay me? How can I show up? Somebody pays me today? No, I'm showing up. Because I want to serve and support you today. And if you decide to pay me, that is a byproduct of the impact that I made on you. And it's just so funny that reviewing the past years today, that all of this came up and made so much sense. And then funny how we have aha was just like reviewing who we are how we show up the things we do the things we say, and we're four years later, and I'm looking back and I'm like, okay, every year that I look back at this time a year, I have more clarity in what happened and my growth and how I responded. And it's just too funny that again, this year it is happening. In July, I believe of 2020 is what started at all, because I chose to push and stretch myself, I chose to do that, and not focus on the money. See what I did there. So maybe in your business right now you need money, okay? And you're feeling the fears and you're feeling the tightness and you're feeling the stress and the pressure. And when we go set and this one thing I teach my clients, we can't it's like holding a butterfly. And I'll never forget, when a coach told me this, it's like your goals are holding a butterfly. If you squeeze it too tight, what happens a butterfly is gonna die. But if you hold on to it loosely, right, and you have your fingers just around it like a makeshift cage. The butterfly can still fly around and your hands a little bit right, it can still breathe, but you're still moving forward with your goal. And it's the same thing about needing money when we hold on so tight. And it's like, how can I show up today? So I can make money? How can I show up today and put out content so somebody will buy from me? What kind of offer can I create, so somebody will buy from me when it's all about ego, right? And I believe my bank account is my ego too, right? I get we do utilize it to pay bills. But when it's in that context, it's only going to get us so far, you can absolutely make money in need. I'm not saying you can't, however, you can make a heck of a lot more showing up with the energy of I'm here to serve you. I'm here to support you. I'm here to make the second of your life better. And maybe it's this hour of your life better. And maybe you go and implement it, it makes your whole day better. Or maybe you keep implemented it makes your week, month and year better. And that's the way I show up every single day. Whether it's through practical like go do this, this this and this, or my storytelling, or how I overcame something. There are lessons and parables to take away from all of those. So the question is what is driving you to show up today? Is it the need for money? Is it the passion that you have for what you do is the conviction that you never want to see another person go through something that you had been through? What is the reasoning? Because the why, the deeper why outside of money will take you and your business so much further than anything else.

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