The Visibility Impact Show

How to attract sales when you really need the money [511]

Crissy Conner Season 11 Episode 511

I get asked all the time, how do I attract sales and stay in momentum when I really do need the money, the new client, a sale, etc.

Being more interested than interesting.
Shifting from needy to desire energy.
Shifting my identity to become the person who's got this.

Here's how, enjoy my fun high school examples and think about "Where can I shift my identity in this?"

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So yesterday I was asked in momentum, which is the current program going on right now, about what do you do when you want to stay in momentum. And you also really, really need clients or you really, really need money. And I love this question because I think there are a lot of dualities here that we get to work through that we get to work on. And the number one thing that I'll say, let me give you an example before the number one thing I'm going to say, because I think this is just like a cheeky example of whatever, right? So maybe this is recently, but I'm gonna go back to high school, and college. And when I was in high school in college, and I had a, I didn't have a boyfriend. There was no one around. No one wanted to be my boyfriend. This just makes me laugh when I say this, because it's so juvenile, but it's just funny. Nobody wanted to be my boyfriend. Like there was no relationships, nothing. And then when I would get a boyfriend all guys did was flirt with me. Now, this is a perfect example of needy energy, and like desire energy, right? How many movies have we seen, where they literally go, and they're trying to get somebody back. And so they they go get a boyfriend or you know, a temporary fake boyfriend, so they can make the other person jealous so that they can get back together? Right? So there's just like this. It's it's, we see it in movies, we've probably seen it in ourselves. But this is a thing. Why is this a thing? Because you are more desirable, right? When you're not needy? When you're not needy? How many times have you ever been on a date, and all the person wants to do is talk about themselves? And maybe that's not even to date? Maybe it was like a coffee meeting or something? And you're like, oh my god, I can't get a word in otherwise, right? One of the things we learn in business and relationship building is be more interested in interesting. Ask questions. But if you can't get a word in, it's like, oh, my gosh, right. And so I want you to think about that as it comes to selling or, you know, trying to get more clients or attract more followers or whatever it is that your goal is, where are you being more immediate energy. Now, I tell my clients this all the time, when you let's say you go live, or you create a reel, but you really want to make a sell off that reel. Nobody's saying oh my gosh, you want to make sell? Or at least I don't think they're going to be I don't think this is the way it shows up. I think it shows up in. Okay, like, they don't know what's going on. But something doesn't feel right, it feels off. And so they don't purchase, they don't buy the same thing, when I get the question, what do I post so people will buy to wrong question. It's the wrong question. It's not the right question, right. And so the thing is, is that we get to choose to show up in we can show up in an ad energy, and we can show up in desire. And if we show up in either one. And a lot of times, it's shifting our identity, because at the end of the day, maybe you really do need money, maybe you really do need to make a sell, maybe you really do need to attract clients. Because otherwise you're gonna burn it all down, right? And this is when we shift into a new identity. And I love talking about this to my clients, because guess what, I'm gonna wake up or I'm going to get up from the seat as the person who attracted the clients who already has the clients, the clients have already signed, like, I'm showing up, like they're already signed and making decisions, like they've already said, Yes. And I love this example, like, let's say you're going after, like a million dollar goal, right? And the decisions you make the choices you make, or don't make, the reactions that you have to things that happen to you. Like, on one hand, a client leaving, right would be could be devastating. But if you're making a million dollars, are you gonna be as devastated as if you're making only 10,000? It's not the same thing, right? So we show up in a different energy. One of the, my favorite quotes is set a goal so high that you have to become the person, right? Who can achieve that goal. That's the whole purpose. So when we can shift our identity, we're not going to show up in any energy because we shift our identities I've already done this. I've already got this. So every decision we make, the way we walk, the way we sit down the way we talk, everything is already because we've already done it. It's a mindset shift. They talk about it in Think and Grow Rich, he talked about it and so many things. But can you show up and shift your identity as the person with the faith with a certainty with the belief with the knowing that it's already happened? You get to make that decision. I'm not saying that I'm going to get up from the seat today, and that I am going to shift my identity, and they're not going to be any road roadblocks or bumps in the road. Because that's absolutely not true. It depends on the day. Sometimes I have to shift my identity multiple times a day, right? And sometimes it's once a week. But it's like, where are you at? What's going on in your situation? Where are you not shifting your identity? Or where are you forgetting to shift your identity? When we have this Leanback energy, it's way more fun, feminine, it's not as forceful. And so clients are more attracted. It's like when I used to when people used to ask me about my programs in the DMS. And they're like, can you tell me more and I would literally go copy and paste the funnel. The sales page, like what is wrong with you Crissy? Why did you do that? Because I thought that's what you're supposed to do. Like, don't wonder nobody's gonna buy because you literally word vomited. Literally, word vomited all over them. Right. And so it's funny now, so when somebody hops into your DMS and says I, could you tell me more about this program? What would you like to know? If you already know the pricing, I'm not, I'm not going to waste your time at telling you the pricing. If you already know when it starts. I'm not going to waste your time with telling you when to start right. What would you like to know? What details would you like more in depth? It's as simple as that. We make things more difficult. We want to word vomit all over people make him seem like we're needy energy. Or we're literally like just waiting and panting like a dog sitting out the door. You're gonna buy are you gonna buy? Are you gonna buy? Are you gonna show up? Are you gonna show up? Are you gonna do thing? Are you gonna say yes. Are you gonna? Are you gonna pick me? You know, and that's just not the energy we want. It's not attractive. And it doesn't attract. You could get lucky not saying you can't get lucky. And but you Where would you want? Like, you're gonna attract so many more clients in the knowing energy in the shifting the identity, energy and the desire energy than you ever are in the needy energy? And can we just admit that it feels a heck of a lot better to be desired than it does needed? I would much rather be desired than needed. And a lot of times people just want to be needed. But at the end of the day, what's going to last longer than need or the desire? I say the desire because the need is eventually going to go away. Desire just get stronger. So what can you take away from this today's episode? How can you implement and have more desire energy, more Leanback energy when it comes to growing your business even when you need money? How can you shift your identity and become more desirable to your potential clients raving fans and your audience

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