The Visibility Impact Show

What Obstacles Are Keeping You From Making Money?

Crissy Conner Season 12 Episode 515

515 - What are you allowing to stop you from making money? Tech? You?

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Let me take you back to my nine to five. And in my nine to five, I was a recruiter. And so I helped those in the IT Information Technology get jobs. And I met a lot of software developers, like database developers, like people who really could write code and create phenomenal applications and websites from scratch. And so a friend of mine, her husband was one of our consultants. And he created this like website selling like fly fishing things like little things, he made them and sold them. And I was like, if I could ever learn how to code, I would never be broke, I would sell stuff all the time, it would be insane. Now, this would have been back in probably 2008, maybe. So I didn't see what was coming back in 2008. And 2012, I started my business with my my friend. And we owned a skincare company. So we made skincare in our basement, we bootstrapped everything. That is when I found that there was a drag and drop website back in the day it was Weebly is who I use. And so I realized, oh, my gosh, I can create a website, right. And I figured it out. And I figured out how to make a logo. And I figured out how to run social media and build are following to over 5000, like, there were so many things that I had no idea about, but I figured it out. Fast forward to, in my business today, I had a funnel system that was very confusing and very aggravating. And I was always waiting on someone to create funnels for me. And it got to be very frustrating, because you guys heard my messaging, you know, I don't wait, and wait, I just don't wait on things, I figure it out. And so I took a weekend. And I don't blame this on anyone. By the way, this is Chris, he moves really fast, and I don't want to wait on people. And so I took a weekend, I said, you're either going to learn this, or you're going to do something that you're gonna get something different. I took a weekend and I learned it all. And I have never felt so much more freedom than I was able to do that. Yes, I can sell something right now, without a funnel with a PayPal link or stripe link. And I don't need anything else you are, you're 100% Correct. And I've said this, and I preach this and I talked about this. But it's also nice to set up a full funnel with an upsell opportunity have an opportunity for recurring or payment options and just have like my life together. And I've done it both ways in both ways works. However, if I can build a funnel, with branding, and automations in under an hour, I'm going to do it. And so therefore I create a lot of my own funnels because I don't want to wait on someone. And there's a point to this. I have some clients well, a couple of years ago, they were using the same system I was we did a four hour in person workshop where I taught them how to build funnels, sales funnels, opt in funnels, workflows, everything because I did not want them to lose out on making money. Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago, I have two clients who are new, newer into this platform. I took two hours, we got on a zoom call, I walked them through everything and gave them like instructions on how to do everything. I made them create a workflow a sales workflow, an opt in workflow, a sales funnel, an opt in funnel so that they have a template to start from that they can duplicate and they have no reason that they cannot be making money. The reason I am saying this is because I never want you to be filled you to feel blocked from making money. And I was listening to Myron golden today and he was talking about the different levels of value and the different levels we can get paid back in early in this business I was a did done for you. Right so I did everyone social media and their ads, and you can only make so much money and you can only you're really truly trading time for money at that point, right? Because you are the doer. And then you can then there's like the next level, which is you manage other people so you can make a little bit more money, right but you're still trading time for money. So managing people who are doing the doing. And then he was talking about the next level is the communication level. And that's where you teach and you use your mouth. You use your voice to make money. And then the highest level is that you use your brain you use your ideas to make continuous money and I love because when we have the tools, right, we don't even need the tools, but we have the idea. We have the communication, when we have the belief, we can truly create so much revenue. There is truly nothing really blocking you from making money when you know how to do the things when you know how to strategize when you know what your the gap is, what are your people wanting? And what do you provide? What's the gap that you provide in that pain to get them to the solution that they're looking for? My pain, was needing to learn how to use a funnel, because I was not going to like, learn 50 programs, I wanted to learn one and I wanted everything to be in one place, and I wanted to work. And if it wasn't gonna work after I gave myself 20 hours over a weekend to learn that I was going to move on and move to something else, you better believe I learned it 20 hours in a weekend sitting in front of your computer is not the funnest thing. But I'll never regret doing that because it gave me so much freedom and power. Learning how to do that has not only brought me like success and revenue and recurring revenue, but it's also helped me help my clients do the same thing. And so I've been toying with this idea of really taking, like small groups through this process. So you don't have to say I don't know how to make money. If you are a product based business, there's other things you can do, you don't need to just sell products. If you are a done for you service provider like I used to be, that's not the only way you can make money. You can stop trading so much of your time for money. And you literally can have an I don't even mean buying back your time with hiring things out. But truly, I mean, finding ways to do one to many offers finding ways to communicate to multiple people at one time that brings in multiple, multiple avenues of revenue, multiple streams of revenue. So I want you to think right now, what do you want to do? Like if there were no obstacles, no excuses, no obstacles in your way. Money wasn't an issue. Tech wasn't an issue. What would you do? The first thing that comes to your mind, shout it out. I can't hear you. But people around, you might be able to shout it out. Okay. Now, I want you to think what is keeping me from doing that? What's keeping me from doing that right now? Is it I don't have an audience? Is it I don't have the messaging? I don't know how to talk to my audience. I don't know how to do XYZ, guess what? You can learn, you can hire somebody to give you the short what I call the the oh my gosh, what does it call the cheat codes. You can shorten the time to learn something. I taught my clients in two hours. Would it took me 20 hours to learn. And more more than that, but 20 hours in a weekend. And then I added on to that right but I taught them what they needed to know to get started in two hours with a recording if they ever need to go back and look at it. So there are so many opportunities when you work with a mentor with a coach that can help you collapse time. Give you the path share the path with you how to take that idea right or that offer from just this thing that sitting in your head that sounds like a great idea to actually putting it out into the world. That whole gap is what is holding so many people back and here's the thing. I will own this. I am freaking excellent at that gap. Because I've had that gap. And I figured out the fastest way to close that gap for myself. Visibility, tight messaging amazing offers amazing, amazing ascension model that and offer a product suite right. That can keep people coming back for more monthly recurring revenue. Can I've built my business on this gap with this gap? And I teach it I sell it And I make sure that my especially my closest proximity clients do not have the excuse of this. There is no excuse. You will not tell me that this is keeping you from making money because I will, we will fix it, I will get on a two hour call with you. Maybe that's crazy to some people. But there are no excuses in my world, especially my close proximity clients are we're not we're not doing excuses. And if you're listening to this, I love you. And you know, that's the truth. We will overcome whatever you feel is blocking you from creating the life, the business, the revenue that you desire, we will work on it, we will fix it. Now I can give you all the ideas in the world. Yes, a lot of that means that you have to go to work and you have to implement and in your 100% Right. However, there's also this thing called tough love getting on a two hour call and teach you how to build a funnel all of these things. And honestly, I want that for my clients. I want that for my clients, I want them to win. I want them to feel like nothing is stopping them or blocking them from greatness. So whatever that ends up being whether it's a subconscious thing because I do subconscious reprogramming, or it's a truly tech thing. We're gonna figure it out. Because there's too much money to be made in this world and I don't care what people say the economy is like, I don't care what people say. This time of year is like none of that is true. Unless you say it is. So where are you feeling limited and limitations holding you back from the thing that you desire to create because there are no limitations. But if you think there are we can fix them. Reminder if you love this episode to share it. Tag me you get entered to win some amazing prizes. For the month of July. We will do this drawing at the at the beginning of August. So share this, drop your takeaway share your takeaways in a poll, share it on a story whatever feels comfortable to you. I cannot wait to see what you think of this episode and hear your feedback.

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