The Visibility Impact Show

Doing the Work: The Unsexy Secret to Business Success

Crissy Conner Season 12 Episode 519

519 -  Doing the Work: The Unsexy Secret to Business Success is an episode that came to me after reading a book, reflecting back when I read 300 books in a year, but besides bragging rights had nothing to show for it!

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If you were listening to this live or anytime in the month of August or September, there are some pretty amazing things coming up. First of all, we have Insta story strategy, which is how to really deepen your relationship with your audience through Instagram and Facebook stories and increase yourselves. We have reels that convert, even for introverts, it's all about creating reels that convert, and all the basics and all the things when it comes to reels and tiktoks as well. And then in the month of September, we have a 31 day visibility program that I'm not announcing the name for yet, because it's that freaking cool. It has never been done before, and so we're super excited about that, because it's going to really, truly set your, your whole entire q4 up, because we're going to end q3 strong with a lot of visibility. So I'm super excited about those programs. Check out the information in the show notes to grab your your picks or your bundle for that offer. Today I want to talk about what I believe is something that's really important, that's not talked about enough. And the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to take you back. And this all stemmed from seeing it begins with us this weekend, with my daughter, a huge Colleen Hoover van actually had not read that book I read back when she was a self published author, years and years and years ago, and that was back when I read over 300 books in a year. I was an advanced or a beta reader. And I got advanced reader copy books all the time, and so I read all of these books, provided feedback, and like, I did it like it was my job. Like this is before I ran a successful business, let me be very clear, but that was my job. I did a lot of reading and reviewing and sharing, like editing mistakes that I saw and things like that for all these self published authors. So it was a lot of fun. I had a friend who called me a author groupie, which is fine. I would go meet the authors at like event to get my photo taken with them. It's really weird think about now, but I did, and I was really into reading, and I loved it all. And it got me to thinking, when I went and watched the movie yesterday, I hadn't actually seen the book. And you know, typically, when you're a book reader and you go see a movie, you're you're pretty much always going to be disappointed in something, something in the book did not end up making it in the movie, and so you're dissatisfied. So I didn't read the book before I watched the movie first, and then I literally sat down and read the book in a day. And it got me to thinking about all the times I read a book now first. Let me be very clear, I get hyper focused on things, and so I didn't need to read the book in one day. It was a Sunday. It was a lazy Sunday, and I did. And then when I got done reading the book, because my husband walked in, and he goes, you're going to finish that? And it's like, no, I'm not going to read this whole book in one day. And then I did, because it's, if you're a book reader, you know, just one more chapter, just one more chapter, just it's like binging a Netflix show, right? Like just one more episode, just one more episode. I got to know how it ends, right? Our brains are so wired to need the closed loop. We need a closed loop. It's great marketing strategy, but that's not what today's episode is about. And so I started thinking, What could I have gotten done in the hours I sat here and read this book. So much right? Like I literally just wasted my life away reading this book. Now, do I really believe that? No. Did I enjoy it? Yes? Was it escape? Yes? Was it great to read? Yes? However, I didn't have a life when I read those 300 plus books. I was a mom, always a mom, but, you know, I ran kids around everywhere, when I was waiting in doctor's appointments, when I was waiting in the car pick up line, like I had my Kindle or my book, and I was reading constantly. And the thing I got to thinking about was that I see so many entrepreneurs doing this today with programs and courses. Let me explain. So back then, I was reading this stuff. I couldn't tell you half the books I read, I remember them, the major ones, like the 50 Shades and the and the Twilight series and the oh my god, the True Blood series and the Janet evanovic series. I couldn't tell you what happened in all the books, but I can tell you that I read them. I read the Game of Thrones series. Like all the books I've read, all the books that are out, and it's crazy to me that like to really comprehend, I would have to go back and read most of those books. I didn't retain a lot that. Read It For entertainment. I read it for pleasure, and it wasn't like to necessarily retain that book. So if I, if any of those like to be honest with you, too, if George, whatever his name is, decides to come out with the newest finally, forever, I've been waiting like 10 years to come out with the next Game of Thrones book, I would probably need to go back and read the other books, because I've forgotten so much that's happened over the years. And I think about this with people I see purchasing and investing in, and I want to draw a very fine line here and use and say, use discernment. But what I see is people like collecting all of these courses and programs, and they watch them, and they and they listen to them, but they never implement them, or they implement for a week, and then they don't go back to it. And one of the things that I it was a deal and made of myself a really long time ago, you were not buying anything and not doing it. So when I woke when I go into any program, this program is going to change my life. Is going to transform my life something, I'm going to get an ROI. Like, that's just, there's no it's a non negotiable. It's a non negotiable for me. I'm going to get an ROI now. Does that mean I'm gonna get an ROI before the program's over? Not always, no, but I'm going to get an ROI from this. And I think it's really interesting that we focus so much on investing. And again, I would not be where I'm at without investing. 100% I would not be where I am without investing. And I do believe I am, I am, I am an investment. I am not a gamble, like I know what I bring to the table, and I know what I do with things, right? I implement things for 90 days, and then I tweak them, and then I create my own frameworks, like I know exactly what I do and what I'm capable of. But again, when we're when we're purchasing and hiring coaches to consume versus implement or execute, there's a disconnect there, because we're going to keep going to the next thing, and we're not going to get the results that we desire. And it's really important, because, you know, there was a time in my business that I was I thought I needed to be fixed. I thought there was something wrong with me. And now I'm not saying you can't have traumas. I'm not going to say you can't have blocks. I have certification to help with that, right? Like, I'm not saying any of those things. However, when we keep buying the things, because we need our Fix, right? I need my fix. I need to be in this program. I need to buy everything everybody has, it becomes like, we gotta look at this like, what are we why are we looking to other people to air quote, fix us when, truly, we just need to implement. We just need to do the work, and that's truly what it is. You know, one of the things that I realized in my I realized I don't need to be fixed in my certification program, but what I realized was most people won't ask themselves the tough questions. Most people won't ask themselves the hard things. I mean, a great coach will ask you the hard things, whether or not you decide to answer them or just breeze by and be like, Yeah, I'm not answering that. Totally up to you. But to really get deep, to really do the work, to really do the inner work, to really create a strategy, to really be successful. It's a lot of stuff that's not fun, it's totally the unsexy stuff. And so to be able to dive into over 300 books in a year was, I mean, it didn't result in anything, but at the time, it felt really good, right? And so the thing that I realized was that I'm always looking for the instant gratification now. This is why I talk about personal power and instant gratification so much I'm I'm looking for the instant gratification now, versus doing the hard things now, knowing the gratification will come, knowing the results will come. And that has served me very well. It's not always easy. It's never easy doing the work, let's just be honest. It's never easy doing the work, but it does get easier the more you do it, because the more you do the hard things, the less hard things feel and so I want you to think about this. What are you retaining? What are you implementing and executing and taking real action on and giving it a shot? And what are you consuming like you're netflixing it? Because netflixing something, even though it's cool, I have a library of vault that you could truly air quote, Netflix. However, if you're not taking it in and implementing it, it's just entertainment. And I don't want you to just be entertained. I want you to be successful. I want you. To get results. And the true only way we get results is by doing the work so we can collect all of the Netflix videos and trainings that we want. But it's not adding to my bottom line. It's just an expense. And when I started realizing this, first of all, I was so much more particular in what I purchased. And also, I decided I would never waste a dime on my money. I don't care if the chorus is $10 or $14,000 I'm not going to allow my money to be wasted. I am an investment. I will get something out of this. I will take something away from this. I will implement something out of this. And I will probably go back and listen to it again, and then implement something else, and then I'll probably go back and listen to something else and implement again. And when we start being that serious, right about the things that we listen to, versus like, Ugh, that didn't do anything for me, just going to throw it to the side. Well, maybe you didn't take anything away the first time. Maybe you were in a different mindset. Different mindset, maybe you were distracted, maybe you weren't 100% listening. Maybe you were focused on scarcity and lack about something else was going on in your life, and you truly couldn't consume it and implement it. And so I want you to ask yourself, What are you? Are you collecting programs? Are you implementing programs? Are you executing these things that you learn, and not just once, but multiple times? Are you doing the hard things? Are you just going to keep listening to trainings and hoping that something eventually sticks and can fix you, because that's not the way it works. I'm not going to stop reading books, especially entertaining books, but when I sit down and read a personal development book, I have a notebook. I pull the questions out, I journal on the questions, could I read a personal development book way faster, 100% but I want to digest it. I want to take it in. I want it to flow through my brain and my body, and I want to do it the right way, which is not the fast, quick, wham bam, thank you. Am way. It's the the way that that simmers. It's the way that helps you grow. It's the hard things. You can take all the programs you want, but if you're not implementing, if you're not being, if you're not doing, you're going to retain very little of it, and then you're going to start thinking, what's wrong with me? Why is everybody else getting success, except me, when, at the end of the day, it truly is up to us, our mindset, our belief system, the energy we put out and also, are you doing the hard work, the consistent things? It doesn't have to be hard forever, but it's not easy running a business. Otherwise we'd all be multi millionaires, billionaires, right? If it was easy, we'd all be successful, and because most people are looking for the easy way out, they're looking for the ease flow and fun and the easy things to do. And let me create a bunch of passive products and throw up there, and I can walk away and go on vacation for the rest of my life. And, you know, well, market themselves, because we have that mindset a lot of times it's hurting and harming us from the success that we desire. So I'm encouraging you today to stop netflixing the things in your business, stop consuming and start meaning it. It's just like content, if I mean that piece of content, or if I just throw something up to hope it sticks, I'm gonna get very different results, maybe not once, but the more I do either one of them, the more and or less results I'm gonna see. Where are you implementing more? Where are you executing more? Where are you going to listen and watch like you mean it like you want the growth, like you want to grow, like you want the strategy like you know, implementing this is going to be a game changer for you and your business. Yeah.

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