The Visibility Impact Show

The Top Ways I Suggest to Increase Revenue

Crissy Conner Season 12 Episode 520

520- The Top Ways I Suggest to Increase Revenue

Q3 Bundle Grab Yours

Did She Just Say That Masterworkshop

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I get asked all the time, what would you do if you were me and you wanted to increase your revenue, Crissy, and so this is such a great question, because it's not just an easy let me just give you one secret, magic pill, and this is the answer to all your problems. Because if it was, we would all be millionaires, billionaires, because it would be that simple. And it's not that simple, right? And so the first thing that I would do is I would make sure that I'm visible like, am I visible enough? Am I building like No, and trust, do people know who I am? And with that being said, the second thing that I would take to build on that, because I mean, to be honest with you, I am still perfecting these things. I've been perfecting these things since 2018 and I will continue to be, as they say, an amazing expert, but also work in progress, because I'm not done growing right, and so visibility would be the number one first thing, because it does build like no trust faster than any other method on social media. The second thing that I would do is make sure that my messaging is tight, that I know who I'm speaking to. I know what they desire. We talked a lot about this, and did she just say that master workshop that we did a couple weeks ago? And it was, like, so helpful to so many people. And somebody even said, like, Crissy, that was, like, the best thing I've ever bought for my business. And clarity can feel like a million bucks. And so that's why I think messaging is great. And the reason I say visibility before messaging is because a lot of times we just need to get used to getting visible. And so I try to make you say all these things and perfect what you're saying and you're afraid you're not there yet. What are you going to do? You're going to stall. You're going to say, I'm overwhelmed. And you're you're going to hide. You're going to shrink. So I say visibility first, then work on your messaging. And you'll continue, continuously be working on your messaging. Um, the third thing that I would do is get outside of my little bubble, outside of my circle, outside my current followers. And yes, you can do that with with reels and and tiktoks and live video and things like that. But also you can do it in a faster way by being a guest on people's podcast or, you know, doing a lead magnet or an activation event like a master class or a challenge or something like that, you can really pull your people in. And so I think it's a great strategy to to be able to do that. And the thing after that is I would create an irresistible offer, because we gotta sell. We've built like no interest. We've perfected our messaging. We've gotten outside of our current audience or current bubble. And so now, what are we selling? What is the thing that our audience is desiring? And you know, when I found this in in 2019 I mean, it sold out, like I was only taking 20 people, and it sold out. It sold out again. And I did it in March, April, May, June, July. I sold it out twice. I did two rounds, and, you know, it was an irresistible offer. And so the first round, I didn't know how it was going to go, right? And so I charged a little bit of money. I did it, and I was like, Okay, look at the results these people got. It's time to do it again. Increase the price, right? And so eventually I made this program, what we call evergreen, and by the end of the year, November, I think, is when I launched it evergreen, and people could buy it and do it as many times as they wanted, like, watch it over and over. It wasn't just the live program then, but it was a game changer, and it was an irresistible offer. And matter of fact, the visibility that I put into that, the irresistible offer. I had surgery in November, and literally was out. I was not visible. I was not doing anything, but I had all this visibility from before that I could repurpose, and then I had all the knowledge from the programming that I did. So was actually very successful launch, and my first four figure launch, and I was so excited, but it really held me over while I was recovering, because I had all of this backup content and videos, and so it was a game changer for me and my business. And then, okay, so after I created an irresistible offer, then I would talk about it all over the place. I would believe in said irresistible offer, I would believe. Is the best thing, like, it's all that in a bag of chips. I would believe that, like, deep in my soul, right? Because if you don't believe that, nobody else can believe that either. If you don't believe this is the best offer for someone, how are they going to believe it? And so I would back up my offer. I would back up what I believe in. And, yeah, I think there's so much opportunity missed, because we just don't talk about our offers enough, and we don't believe in our offers. And that's, that's a huge cut to your revenue, right? That's a huge cut to your bottom line. And so in order to sell, right, besides talking about it, I can't just like, throw it up there and be like, oh, somebody buys. I gotta believe in it too. And I gotta create the content that talks about the results. I gotta create the content that create talks about the the transformations. All of those things are so important. So those are the things that I would do highly recommend. I think they are game changers for anyone wanting to increase their revenue, if you're looking for any support with any of those things, we have Insta story strategy coming up, where we talk about building deeper relationships with your your followers and selling more in stories. We have reels that convert even for introverts. Again, another program that really helps you get visible and create converting content. And then we have a amazing program coming up in September that I'm not releasing the name of yet because I just want to hold it close for a little bit longer. It is a 30 day visibility program. It is going to be fire like I can't believe I'm holding this in and not giving the name yet, but it's going to be fire. That's all I can say. And I haven't done a visibility program like this in years. And when I Crissy the visibility queen, hello, does a visibility program like this, it's going to be fire like I've done. I do seven day visibility and max out media like a couple times a year, but this, this is this is different. This is totally different. And I believe people are going to feel this like deep within their soul, along with getting visible and creating massive impact and influence on their audience. So I'm super excited about all those things. If any of those interest you reach out, and I will give you that link. It is an amazing bundle price. And you know, we start, if you're watching this live, we start Insta story strategy tomorrow. But again, these are programs that are, there's, there's going to be a lot of drops, so there's not going to be very many live components to this. So there's going to be a lot of drops, there's going to be a workbook, there's going to be going to be templates, there's going to be so many things for all of these things, and I know they're going to serve and support you like, to the highest level. So the only one I would recommend doing live is the the visibility program in September. The other two you can watch anytime. But again, this bundle deal is insane, and I don't know how long it's going to be at this price, so make sure you check in and grab it. There's payment plans, so yeah, it's a no brainer, irresistible offer that you get to say yes to. Yeah.

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