The Visibility Impact Show

From Fear to Fame: The Power of Visibility

Crissy Conner Season 12 Episode 521

521 - My evolution of visibility and video content in business growth.  When you become visibly famous for the things you want to be known for, that power of your conviction creates a ripple effect of impact.

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Hello, my friends. It's been a minute since I've been live on my personal feed. And you know, I was I went live in my free group just a few minutes ago, and I was talking about this, and I think it's so important. And if I take you back to baby Crissy Conner, baby Crissy and she was the girl who just needed help getting on video like she could have never pushed the go live button as easily as I do today. She could have never pressed the record button as easily as I do today. And it's just been this beautiful journey, and someone who's lived it, but I can look back and see all of the growth and see all of the things that I've been through, and it all started with visibility. It also has visibility, and I've been teasing the rebrand. And visibility is not going away. It is still a huge, important part of my business. It's just that the visibility Queen no longer lands, and I'm not here to talk about that, that I know that was such an open loop and a tease. But the important thing that I want you to know is that visibility does work, and there are so many layers when it comes to visibility. Because, you know, in the beginning of my visibility queen, brand. I was teaching people how to get on video. I was teaching them how to get over their massive fears and press the Go Live button, or get over their massive fears and press the record button right because so many people couldn't get over that fear. They couldn't get over that hump to be able to do it. But that's where I started, and back in 2016 I couldn't find anybody to teach me video that literally wasn't like a previous news anchor or something like that. And I'm sorry I wanted someone to teach me who had a massive fear, not someone who literally just was, like, so charismatic and like, oh, I can be on camera all day long. Like I wanted someone who had a fear. I wanted someone who felt paralyzed, I wanted someone who was freaking so afraid, right? And so I had to become her, because I never found that person. So I became her and helped other people do the same exact thing that I did with the mindset shift and the perspective shifts and all of that. And that's what really helped me get on video. And so it was like, Okay, let's get on video. Let's get visible, right? And then it was more. Then it was, what do we add on to this? What do I layer on? Layer onto this? Because it's not just about pushing the go live button anymore, Crissy, it's so much more. It's about not creating so so content and just hoping that if I'm on video enough, somebody will eventually buy from me, because it's so much more than that. And if I look at the amount of revenue that I bring in from the program side of my business compared to four years ago. Four years ago, I was more so doing, more done for you and social media. And today, my business is way more on the done for you side, or sorry, done program side. So one to one to many versus one to one. And the only reason I was able to get to where I am is because of video and visibility and showing up and and building my brand and building my audience and not being afraid to be seen and heard. That evolved from just being seen to being heard, layering on tighter messaging, layering on, understanding how to sell and get my offers visible, and understanding how to launch and get my launches visible, and understanding like how I built all of these things on top of one another, so that, literally, I don't go live every single day anymore. I'm on video somewhere, but I'm not live every single day like I used to be, and I was talking about this in my free group earlier, like, I really show up on video when I feel very convicted and have something to say. Meaning, I'm not just here to, like, talk about the weather, and I'm not just here to talk about my day, and I'm not just here to talk about what's going on in the news like I'm here to help you grow your business. I'm here because I feel convicted about the messaging and the things that I have to say. I'm here because I'm not here to waste your time. I'm not here to add to the noise. I'm showing up on video. I'm pushing go. Because I believe in what I say. I believe that it is the path to grow your business. I believe and I am convicted, and I feel that way. I feel that God gave me this path, and it is my job to share it with as many people as I possibly can. And so when you have that kind of conviction, and when you are that solid in that belief? It does make it really hard to sit down and be quiet and not say anything about it. It makes it really hard to not want to shout it from the rooftops, right? The problem is the day in, day out business, we get tired. We feel like Groundhog Day. We forget to tap into our conviction. We forget to tap into the things that we know will massively help someone grow. We forget to what will change someone's life. Or we don't believe that we have an offer or a product or a service that actually is life changing, even if, if we look at the ripple effect and so where are you not being convicted enough because you don't have the belief and your belief isn't solid enough to help you understand what you can do for your person. If that is a big disconnect, it's going to be a really big disconnect for you to actually push the go live button on your phone, which my phone's right here, like to push the whole like button, right? It's going to be really hard for you to do that, because you're not going to know what to say. And I can help you with messaging, and I can help you understand who your ideal person is, and I can help you with your content, but I can't help you with your conviction that comes from in here, that comes from deep down in your soul, like I feel that convicted about visibility, and that's why, even though I'm going to rebrand my business, I'm going to rebrand from the visibility queen. The word visible is not coming out of my rebrand, because it is that important. You get visible, your messaging gets visible, your offers get visible, your launches get visible. Your audience gets visible because they feel seen and heard by you, because you're tapping in to that conviction and you're saying the things that they feel deep within their soul, and they feel seen and heard, and I can't replicate that for you, and that's why I think video is so powerful, because I can sit and type this all day long, but until you hear me Say it, until you hear my heart until you hear my soul, it's going to be really hard for you to get it. And the same thing is true with you and your audience when they hear your heart, when they hear your soul, when they see you serving them on a different level for free, all they're thinking about is, how can I pay her if I get this much value for free? Because she's that convicted when she shows up for free, what's going to happen if I pay her? What's going to happen if I join her program? What's going to happen if I blah, blah, blah, and so visibility is so much more. And although I've been getting visible since 2016 I don't know that I really perfected it. I still I will never perfect it. Let me just go ahead and clarify that I will never perfect it. I'm always growing. I'm always I am, I am great at it, and I'm an expert at it, but I'm also always a work in progress, and I want to be, because I'm always open to learning more. I'm always open to improving. And so the question is, Are you are you open to improving? Are you open to tapping into that conviction. Are you open to really, truly becoming visibly famous for the thing that you you want to be known for? Are you the authority? Are you the thought leader? Are you the expert, or are you none of those? Because nobody knows what you do, how you can help them, how you can serve them, how you can support them, how you can change their life. You get to stop being the best hidden secret, because the best hidden secret doesn't make any money, and to fully be able to really serve and support and become that expert, become that authority, to become that thought leader. You get to get paid for that, not just push the go live button. You're more than a. Influencer. You do the influencing, you do the impacting. Because, guess what, when you do it that way, it is a ripple effect. That means it doesn't stop with you. You are influencing others who will influence others. You impact others who will impact others. And that's the way it should be. So I am super excited about the 30 day program, visibly famous. I haven't ran a visibility boot camp in probably two years. It feels like it's been forever. We do a visibility explosion week. It's like a week. But I believe that the things that I want to teach in this program, the things that I want to help you overcome in this program, are really going to take 30 days. I need 30 days with you. I need 30 days with you. That's all I'm asking for, 30 days, 30 days to become visibly famous. Now granted, after those 30 days, you can go back to doing nothing or not any of the things that I teach, or you can continue to implement them as you move forward, and that will really make the biggest difference in your business and your audience and your raving fans and the people that you want To attract, and your self leadership and your impact. So visibly famous is the program that we're doing during the month of September. I think we start September 4 and it is going to be a 30 day program. It's going to end at the beginning of the fourth quarter, which means it's going to set you up for the fourth quarter. So the question is, are you in? Are you out? Do you believe this is somewhere where you can improve, or are you like, I'm good, I am visible enough, Crissy, and that's great. Maybe you are, but are you getting the results that you want? Because if you're not, there's something missing, and I want to help you find out what that thing is, so that you can get the results and you can make the impact, and you can do the influencing that is going to support and have that ripple effect with your audience, your raving fans, their families, and even more so, if you want information, I will drop it after I get off this live for visibly famous it's the best price. It's when you watch this now free play, it's going to be the best price because it's just going to keep going up. Because I know how much I am going to pack into this program, and I know that when you implement the things that I that I teach, and you do the things that I share, and you take advantage of the accountability, and you take advantage of all the things that we're going to have in this program. It's really an experience. And you get to decide, am I going to experience this, or am I going to half ass this? It's always your choice. And so I'm going to drop the link, and I hope to see you inside again. We start on September 4, but the best pricing is going to be right now. When you watch this video. I'm.

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