The Visibility Impact Show

Success Only Comes After Commitment

Crissy Conner Season 12 Episode 523

523 - Are you committed?  Or only if this fantastic wonderful results happen too? Are you all in?  Are you trying OR anticipating failure?  Are you committed but not sure you really believe it's even possible?

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I was reading in a book about how important commitment is, and there's so many sides to commitment, because one of the first fears I had of commitment was when I had to join a had to join, I got to join a mastermind. But the commitment was a year, and the money didn't scare me as much as the year commitment, because I couldn't see where I How. How do I know I'm going to be in a year? I don't know where I'm going to be in a year. And so therefore, I had to be very committed to my goals. I had to be very committed to my desires. I had to be very committed to the people that I wanted to help if I was going to sign up for this year mastermind, and I think it's important, because there's so many layers of commitment. Number one, Are we committed ourselves, like, Are we committed to our results? Are we committed to our goals? Are we committed to the people that we want to serve and support. Are we committed to the business that we started? Are we committed to the passions that we say we have? Are we committed to the influence that we have an opportunity to make on the people that see us show up on social media? And are we committed no matter what, or are we only committed if there is a if, then, maybe, then, but, but, but, but, but, but only if I am this blah, blah, blah, right? Did that sound like a robot? But there's so many excuses, right? And so I'm committed as long as things are going good, but I'm not committed when they're bad, and this is one of the reasons that a lot of my programs have commitments either six months or 12 months, because I believe it is harder to keep a commitment than it is to come up with the money. Like it's hard to keep a commitment, it's hard to keep a commitment to ourselves. It's hard to to do these things, but here's why it's so important to find something to commit to, and good or bad, right? It's, it's like, it's like marriage vows, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poor, right? And it's like these vows. And I used to talk about this a lot, and I had a coach who talked about this a lot, when you when you launch, like, are you married to this lunch? Are you in it for the good and the bad? Are you committed to this or are you going to bow out as soon as things get hard, get rough, feel hard, feel tough. Don't go the way that you want them to. And so it's so easy, almost too easy to quit sometimes, right? It's way easier to quit than keep going. It's way easier to quit than to deal with the hard and so commitment is huge. And I have to say that, first of all, anybody that thinks that my business has been this easy, smooth ride the whole way, let me just be very clear. No, it is not. I've been in business. Since 2016 before that, I owned a business with a part business partner in 2012 none of it has been easy, none of it. And so you are truly committed. You're truly married to this decision. You know, a lot of I saw one of my friends for Mother's Day. She was talking about, you know, not everybody is a mom, but some people birth a business. And I was like, Oh my gosh, that's so good. You do birth a business. You are the mother. You've decided to grow this thing you've decided to go all in. And obviously, I know a business is different than a child, but you would never give up on a child, right? Like, If the going gets hard with a kid, even if you're for a mom like y'all, you know it's going to get deep when I say, y'all, my dog is so difficult. And we were about to make a difficult, difficult decision about a year ago, and not even a year ago, nine months ago, and we realized we made a commitment to this dog, right, this dog, no matter how difficult she is and how much she tests my patients and how mean she is to her sister at the end of the day, we made a commitment to this dog, right? Would it have been easier to make a difficult choice, 100% 100% but the thing is, I said yes to this dog 10 years ago, and I'm gonna say yes to her today. Until her last breath, I will say yes to her and Oh, I'm getting emotional because it's. Been so hard, so hard. And you know, training like getting up and training my dog, you know, to make her better, you know, keeping her separated from her sister when she's in her moods. Yes, she's also on drugs. She's all the things. It's not easy. It's not easy. But you know what? Nobody said anything in life was going to be easy. And I think it's interesting, because so many people want to grow a business, and then they bow out because it's hard. And I don't know who says this. It might be the Dave Ramsey people. If you're a Dave Ramsey person, no judgment there, but I think that's where. But it's like, either do the hard thing now, so it's easier in the future, right? And that's really, truly what I think growing a business is now. Is it still hard? Yes, but the things that used to be hard to me are now easy, right? I just have different versions and definitions levels, maybe of hard today than I used to. And so I want you to think about where's your commitment level? How long are you committed? Are you committed for a month? Are you committed for a year? Are you giving yourself a timetable like, if I don't get results by this, I'm done. I'm throwing in a towel, walking away, because I can guarantee you, if you have that in your mind, you probably might as well go ahead and quit, because that's not commitment. Do some people have to go get a full time job as they're growing a visit? Yes, I've seen them do that. And then, you know what I've seen happen, they start getting clients. It's magical, right? Nothing you do is for nothing. It is always going to come back to you. I truly believe this. And you know, I have a the quote that you're exactly where you're meant to be, and I do agree with that, but I want to add something else. You're exactly where you're meant to be by your level of commitment. Because if you're all in and all in looks different to everybody, and all in looks different every single day, but if you're all in, you're showing up differently than if I'm going to try. I had a coach one time that said, she said, Try. Is anticipating failure. So are you going to try? Are you committed and I'm in, I'm all in. I'm doing this again. Whatever your version of all in looks like. I'm all in. I'm doing this. Nothing's going to stop me. And the only thing that truly will stop you is you. When you're truly committed, you are the only thing that can stop you. You're going to have roadblocks, you're going to have situations, you're going to have struggles, you're going to have dry moments, right of no cells. It seems like nothing's ever going to move or nothing's ever going to happen. And then it does, you get to decide, am I truly committed, or am I just playing around? Am I truly committed? Or am I trying? Am I truly committed, or am I anticipating, anticipating failure? And if you are truly committed, do you really, without a shadow of a doubt, believe it's possible what you want? Do you believe it's possible what you desire? Because if there's a you're committed, and you're saying I'm committed, you're not truly committed, if you don't believe it's possible, if you believe it's possible for everyone else except you. And so that's a magical thing that I want you to think about, and I'd love for you to share this with your audience. Feel free to tag me. We're always doing a giveaway. And also reach out and let me know your thoughts. What is your takeaway from this? Are you really committed or did this feel like when I said some of these things, you Oh, I'm wavering a little bit here, right? Are you fully committed? Or do you have some work to do? Are you fully committed sometimes, but not all the time, you get to really just take a look, take a step back, take a look and make that decision, and own whatever, whatever it looks like, own it, because we can't fix something that we're not acknowledging. So, oh, maybe I'm not as committed as I thought I was. And. Now I get to work on that. Why am I not as committed as I could be? What's stopping me from being more committed? How dedicated Am I to being more committed? Ask yourself these hard questions and see what comes up. Is there a block? Is there a fear we can work with that. We can work through that all day long, but acknowledging it is the first thing going around saying, of course, I'm committed. Of course I'm committed. Of course I'm committed. And not owning that you've got some wobbly Ness there, or some leaky energy there is could be part of the problem. So own your leaky energy. Own your wobbling wobbliness. However you say that, and then say, Okay, I can't fix it till I own it. I'm owning it now. Now it's time to get to work, because I want to be all in, and I want to be committed, and I am not in it for just the good times, because I know there's going to be a variety of times when you own a business, I'm all in. I'm saying my marriage vows, let's do this.

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