The Visibility Impact Show
Imagine creating deeper relationships with your visibility and content. Imagine being more authentic online. Imagine up-leveling every part of your business, including marketing, for massive growth to create the dream life you’ve designed. We chat all things growth, like paid advertising, mindset, emotional intelligence, launching, sales, marketing, confidence, creating programs and more. It’s time to elevate! Find out more at
The Visibility Impact Show
The Rebrand...Why The Visible CEO?
524 - More about the rebrand to The Visible CEO.
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The one thing I have not created in a podcast episode on is the rebrand of the visibility Queen into the visible CEO. So I'm a few weeks behind on the podcast, but I think it's important to talk about this change and to kind of tell you why that this happened. So if you've been listening to the podcast, anytime you know about, I don't know, 18 months ago, we changed the name of the podcast from the visibility Queen show to the visibility impact show, because the visibility Queen part of the name, title, whatever was just no longer really resonating. And I love the word impact, because I believe the more visible we are, there is a a massive impact, a massive ripple effect, right of getting visible and and and allowing ourselves to be seen at the same time that we're helping others feel seen and heard, because we know who they are. We're speaking to them, you know, it's like we're in their head. And so they feel really connected to us. And so it's, it's a, it's a version of, you know, where the visibility queen is like, look at me, right? The visible, the visible CEO is, like, look at us. And I think that's just so different. And so in a post that I made, I said, Who is the visible CEO? She's me, she's you, she's us, she's all of us. And there are so many different nuances that I have grown to believe when it comes when it comes to being visible, just like the one I said, you get to be seen, but your person feels seen in her too, right? I believe that you're going to struggle being seen if you're not working on your self leadership, if you're not working on making an impact. You know, one thing I say all the time is, don't ask me what to post to make a sale today. That's not the right question. Create a post is going to make massive impact today. That's going to change somebody's life today. That's, that's where the cell is going to come from, right? And so the same thing is true with a visible CEO, right? She is mastering her self leadership, and knows that it's, it's an ongoing journey and an ongoing process. And understands that visibility and self leadership go hand in hand, that when we take on a role of owning a business, and you know, the role of CEO requires massive conviction and confidence and commitment, right and understanding that staying in our comfort zone is never going to lead to the extraordinary results and success that we truly desire. I believe this visible CEO is willing to take action radical responsibility. She's not a victim. She knows that her results, her goals, and what she's building is literally her fault, meaning she's owning the work that needs to be put in to get the results that she desires. Right? This is not about being a workaholic. This is not about being busy. It's about being productive and really having that 10x over 2x mindset, right, that 20% of the things that we do bring in 80% of the results that we see, but sometimes we're just doing the wrong things. And so the core values of the visible CEO are impact, influence, self leadership, transformation and faith. I did an episode earlier this week, where we talked about commitment. And you know, you can commit to yourself all day long, but if you really don't have the faith, and you don't have the belief that it's possible, you're going to struggle right transformation again, what kind of transformation are we helping your audience achieve? And also, are you transforming yourself in the process? What kind of influence do you have? What kind of impact do you have? All of those things matter, right? And you know, I believe going on this journey to growing a business, we're also growing ourselves. We're also becoming a better human every single day. And I believe that it truly is about transforming lives. Yes, ours in the process, right? I also believe that the visible CEO isn't defined by numbers, like she understands numbers, and she understands numbers are data, right? They're not drama. They're not oh my gosh, my life is over because nobody watched my video like it truly is, like it's not an IT is a numbers game, but it's not a numbers game that I'm sitting here watching and waiting on the numbers to go up, right? That's not what I'm doing. I'm not waiting and watching the numbers in my bank account, hoping that they're going to go up. I'm going to go in and take action. In because that's how my my bank account numbers are going to increase. That's how the numbers of followers have decreased, by getting visible, by showing up, by being consistently committed, right? And the other thing is, is that I think the visibility queen was so much about video and built on video. And although video is huge, video is so important when it comes to growing our business, visibility is about being seen. It's about being heard. It's about being valued by yourself first, owning who you are, owning that authenticity, owning that that vulnerability that sometimes comes with that, and ensuring that our future raving fans feel that connection through the screen. You know, humanizing the content, humanizing who we are behind the screen, not just posting and ghosting, right? I believe that as CEOs, it's our responsibility to ensure our entire brand is visible. We are visible. Our message is visible, our offers and sells are visible. Our launches are visible, our our transformations, results we get for others are visible, right? Who we are and what we're about and our values are visible. All of those things matter. And so many times I see people just like, you know, ducking on those things because they're so focused on making the cell. And the cells will come when you put all these other things in front of it. As long as you keep focusing on making a buck today, you're not in it for the long haul. And that's the one thing that I probably didn't put in my post about the rebrand is that we're in it for the long we're in it for the long term. We're committed through the good, the bad and the suck. Because it's not going to be rainbows and butterflies every single day, but on the days that it is rainbows and butterflies, it's really rainbows and butterflies and unicorns and all the amazing things, right? So I hope that this kind of explains the rebrand I, I did in the business. It just felt so much more connected, more of a movement, because it's so much more than the visibility queen. It's about you being seen through my content. It's about you being seen through your own content. And I just want everyone to grow a successful business, reach their goals and make massive impact in the audience that they're trying to serve and support.