The Visibility Impact Show
Imagine creating deeper relationships with your visibility and content. Imagine being more authentic online. Imagine up-leveling every part of your business, including marketing, for massive growth to create the dream life you’ve designed. We chat all things growth, like paid advertising, mindset, emotional intelligence, launching, sales, marketing, confidence, creating programs and more. It’s time to elevate! Find out more at
The Visibility Impact Show
Clarity Really Does Feel Like a Million Bucks!
525 - Clarity Really Does Feel Like a Million Bucks!
You could be making so much more money if you got clear on all of these things!
Did She Just Say That
Visibly Famous
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The one thing I've noticed lately is that a lot of business owners are struggling with growth and sales and converting content and achieving their goals and so many things from a lack of clarity. So there is a lot of clarity missing. There is a there is a lack of is this clear? Is this understandable? Is this specific, or is this broad, right? And so I'm I've seen so much of this lately, and I think it's important to chat about this. Let's think about this for a second. Any goal setting expert will tell you that if you're going to set a goal, that the goal needs to be specific versus I want to lose weight, or I want to make more money, or I want to be debt free, like there has to be or gets to be a number involved. There gets to be a specific actions involved. There gets to be specific. What's the word? Like a date, like, when do I want to do this by right? And so I think a lot of us are missing out because we're not willing to be specific. I talk about this all the time. It's one of my first programs that are free. Was it free? Yeah, it was free. Free programs that I did was the the secret to attracting your ideal clients or customers. The reason I called it that is because nobody wants to take the time to work on their ideal client, Avatar, ICA, whatever you want to call it. And so there's this lack of clarity. And the lack of clarity is just because we're willing to do so much work, but we're not willing to get more specific, we're not willing to get more defined, we're not willing to get more narrow when it comes to so many things in our business. And I'm seeing that this is a lack, this is a this is a this is a disconnect. It's a massive disconnect. And so how can we fix this? Well, number one, I think everyone gets to start with understanding, obviously, like I just said, what are your goals? Are they clear? Do you know what you even want, right? Do you even know what you want to achieve? Do you know how much money you want to make? Do you know by what time frame you want to make that amount of money, right? And so I think number one, it has to start there. Number two, it gets to start with or the second thing is, Who am I speaking to? If that is not clear. Now, I'm not saying it has to be perfect, because I think this, this the person we're speaking to evolves. I think it gets more defined the more that we do our thing, or we do market research to really define and figure out who that is. And so what I think we're forgetting is that is an important piece, because from identifying who we're speaking to comes the content, the messaging, the offers, right, the pricing, everything comes from that person that we're speaking to, right? And when we know that person, that person is defined again. I'm not saying it has to be perfect from day one, it will evolve. It will grow. But when we know that we can work on our messaging, I can't improve on messaging that I don't know who I'm talking to. I can't improve on content of I don't know who I'm talking to. I can't improve on offers. Right? What kind of offer should I be creating? If I don't know who I'm talking to, I can't improve on revenue goals and things like that. If I don't know all of these other things. These other things get to be clear first, specifically the goals I'm setting for myself and who I'm speaking to before I can really clear up the other things. I can still be doing the other things, and I can still be improving, but it's gonna be really hard to get to get anything else clear if we don't know what those other two things are, right? Also, I think identifying who am I, what am I known for, what is my expertise? Again, I'm not saying it has to be one thing, because I know some people aren't quite ready for that. I wasn't ready for that until I was ready for that. But I think you know, identifying and narrowing again down as much as you possibly can, what do you do? What's the result you get? Your person and identifying that. And so it's just something that I'm seeing in the marketplace that people are omitting, people are skipping past, because it is not the fun work, right? It takes a little it's a little challenging to really get to know your person. But here's the thing, let me ask you this question, are they worth it? I. Uh, is are they worth it? To get to know them a little bit more, to get to know how you can serve and support them more, how you can really help them with their transformation, their results. Is it worth it? You know, the answer should be, yes, if it's not, we need to shift what you're doing so that you're more passionate about what you're doing. But this is just again, it's one of those things that clarity, you know, and I talk to my clients about this all the time, clarity, like getting clarity on something feels like a million bucks. It feels like freaking million bucks, but we don't do it enough. We don't try to get clarity. We go through the day to day, and this is one thing, one of the many things I've been focusing on in the past year is getting more clear, getting more specific, getting more narrow, along with more self leadership and and and more leadership and more impact and more influence, and all the things we're talking about and visibly famous right now. And so if I'm not clear, they're not clear. If I'm not clear, they don't feel seen and heard from me, because they don't know who I'm talking to. They can't self identify with anything I'm saying if I'm not clear, and if I'm not clear, this is like one of those run on sentences, if I'm not clear, then they're not clear that I'm not clear, right? And so it's one of those things that we get to take the time to work on. Again, it's not the funnest thing, but we can make anything fun. We can make anything worth it. It's not something you have to do every single day. It's something we improve on every single day, but to sit down and actually write down the things like we don't have to do that every single day. We just improve on our content. Every single day we improve on our messaging. Every single day we improve on our congruency. Every single day we improve on what am I known for, and how can I take you to the next level right of whatever that looks like? All of that are things that we get to get clear on, and again, it's going to help our person be more clear on us. Because when we're clear, they're clear that we're clear, it just makes more sense all around but again, most of us aren't taking an extra time to do that. Most people, I think it was something small, like 3% of people write their specific goals down, 3% of people, okay, that's why such a low percentage of people actually achieve big, crazy goals, right? And so again, where are we missing that specific specificity, specificity, the specific information, the clear information, the narrow information, the tight information, where we're really like looking at it more as a specialist than a generalist. And I believe, I think it was on the content converting content workshop that I did. I believe that when you truly, if you can't, like, write, answer questions, right? We talked about this. And did she just say that the workshop, which is still available for replay, if you're interested in that, just say, say that, and I'll get you the link. I think it's 2777 but you get a workbook and two videos, and we really go deep into this. And also, I think when we are more specific, like it just it makes our life so much easier. It makes again, we feel heard, seen and heard. They feel seen and heard. They feel like we're speaking to them. They want to buy because they feel like we understand them more. And it just the whole thing just makes more sense. So anyhow, I if you want any information on visibly famous, or did she just say that? Drop a comment and I will get you those. But I think these are two really great programs that can did she say that will really help you get clear? And visibly famous will really help you get clear on the visibility side of things, and the leadership skills and the and the impact and the influence and all of the things that we need, the content the content types, to help us become visibly famous, really well known and seen and heard for what we do. And I think that's really important. When we are building a business in the marketplace. We are building a business to grow. We are building a business to attract our ideal people. Having that clarity is huge, and then also willing to show up in that manner, willing to show up and own it is also really pretty important too. So.