The Visibility Impact Show
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The Visibility Impact Show
You Were Never Meant to Stay Here
527 - Staying in your comfort zone is a choice and NOTHING grows there. Let's go with today's episode to prepare you for BIG things!
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Inside of visibly famous, I was talking about taking uncomfortable actions. And I brought up the story of when we were in Maui in April of 2023 and we did the road to Hana, which is like 600 and some hairpin turns. It is paved. Actually, it really reminded me I grew up in West Virginia, and so I learned to drive on the Appalachian Mountains. So to me, it was like, not that bad. And so there were like, 50 or 80 some one lane, like one way bridges. So if you if another car needed to come across, you had to stop and let them come across and go over, because there's so many waterfalls on this road, just beautiful drive like highly, highly recommend. What I don't recommend is, at the end of it, you technically are supposed to turn around and go back through it. And I wasn't the Navigator. I was the driver. And my husband said, Just keep going this way. We're gonna go all the way around the island. Well, I'm in some pretty sketchy places at this point, and I'm like, Are you sure this is right? Like, I feel like this is not the right way. And he goes, No, no, it's right. It's right. We drive for half an hour more. Over that half an hour, we not only lost our GPS, but we lost our GPS signal, and we lost all cell service. All cell service was gone. And the only thing that honestly was comforting is that we're on an island. Eventually we're gonna get to where we wanna go. Eventually it's going to circle around somewhere, and so we should be fine. About an hour into the drive, I'm looking at my husband, and I'm like, I feel like this was a mistake. This is not a road anybody should be driving on. And he said, we'll turn around. And I was like, this road is so bad. I know what I've been through, I am not turning around because, first of all, I'm going like so most of the curves are right hand curves right, and I'm driving so that they're on my right, and I felt like that was safer and I was more in control. I'm really, pretty sure it doesn't matter. But anyhow, I felt like I could hug the side of the mountain more, and I was safer than being on the other side, which was where you would fall off if you had to pass somebody. So this road was, some parts were paved. It was very broken pavement. A lot of it was gravel, some dirt, and it was one of those moments I'll never forget. I'm actually pretty sad that we didn't record the whole thing, because honestly, I am just going to own this right now. I am a freaking badass for driving that road. And when we got done with the road, we actually found out it was like one of the top 10 or 15 most dangerous roads to ride in the world that most tourists do not touch that that most rental companies do not allow vehicles on that road. They will not come get you. If you get stranded, if you fall off the mountain, if you get an accident, they will not it is all on you. It is all on you. You are 100% liable. And they will not cover a thing I had no idea, like, like, I'm literally taking directions from my husband, and I'm literally knuckling it and going around each one of these turns, which, which you could see, nothing. You could see nothing. It was, it was daylight. So I was beeping my horn once people started, like, coming the opposite direction. And I was it was a lot of locals coming the opposite direction. And I was like, There's no way. Like, and my husband's like, I don't think you need to do this on every every turn. I was like, Yes, I do. Yes, I do. And he's like, do you want me to drive? I'm like, nope, nope. I got this. I got this because I needed to be the driver in this situation. And it was, it's interesting, because I think a lot of times we look back at all the things that we've been through, I want to go through that again, right? And also, what is ahead. We have no idea how. I had no idea. I had no GPS. All I knew was I was on an island and I was eventually going to end up somewhere. I just had no idea where I was going to end up. And so this trip of no cell service, of not knowing where I'm we're going at this point, the first part of the drive was beautiful, smooth roads, very curvy. There's some dangerous places, but nothing like this. And I remember like, this is insane. This is insane. You know, being without cell service for like, four, maybe five hours driving this road was scary, because what are we going to do? And at this point, I had no idea that nobody would actually come pick us up if something happened. I definitely wouldn't have rode took this road if that would have been the case. And it's interesting, because every turn I'm making, I'm beeping the horn like, right? Because to let people know I'm coming, this is one lane. I'm coming. Like, don't run into me. I'm trying to let you know I'm on my way. I'm I'm doing my thing. Do your thing. Be respectful. Listen, and most of the locals, actually, that came by were blasting music so loud and going so fast, I'm pretty sure they didn't hear my horn. But anyhow, it made me feel safer to do that, and obviously I survived it, because here I am. But anyhow, we as business owners, we never know what's around the corner. We never know what's around the curve. And the thing is, is that I know for a fact that one of the reasons I did not fall apart, number one, I couldn't my kid was in the car. I probably wouldn't. I might have fallen apart a little bit more if my kid was in the car. I'm not gonna lie. My kid was in the car, and I knew I couldn't show her how scared I was and how stressed I was, and so I just didn't talk like the whole time. I'm just not talking, not talking. I'm not enjoying any views at this point because I am so stressed out. And but I keep going, right? I keep going. I don't turn around and go back, because I already know what's back there. And the thing that I believe in 2022 in 2021 sorry in 2022 there were two separate occasions. I went on 365, day uncomfortable journey, and then I went on 100 day uncomfortable journey that I documented. And I believe that pushing and stretching myself to get uncomfortable helped me get through this, because it was not fun. It was not fun, and honestly, I don't know that I realized what I had done until I was done and we started googling all of the things that people said about this road, and client and friend of mine, Melissa, who lives in Maui, could not believe that we drove that road. She said it should be outlawed to tourists like it should not be allowed. And I think it actually is now, or at least they say it is, but it was, it was probably one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life. And I am saying that I am attributing that to the tenacity that I've had as a business owner, and also putting myself in uncomfortable situations as a business owner. So a lot of times you hear me saying, Go, get uncomfortable, do things in discomfort. And yes, I am challenging you. Yes, I am trying to stretch you, and also, I know what it's going to do for you. In the long run, those crappy days in business are a lot easier when you're used to doing uncomfortable things on purpose, those surprise uncomfortable or discomforts that come up are a lot easier to handle when you're purposely putting yourself in a situation where you get uncomfortable. And I know for a fact that every time I feel challenged to do something that I decide to do to to push and stretch myself. Big, huge, amazing results come from it. And also, I stretch my comfort zone. I was able to ride drive in one of the most unsafe, dangerous roads in the world keep my family safe, even though I was stressed inside, like, feel like a crazy person, like I was very calm collective on the outside, if you would have looked at my hands there again, I was. White knuckling the steering wheel. But it wasn't. It was not for the faint of heart. Matter of fact, every time my husband says something to me when I'm like, I'm going to do this or I'm going to do something scary, I'm going to challenge myself, he'll look at me and he'll like, doubt me, and I say, Maui, and he shuts up because he knows that was that took big Kahunas to drive that drive and not fall apart and hold it together for everybody else, like it took big Kahunas to do that, and I did it, and again, I know that I would not have been able to do what I did without putting myself in uncomfortable situations, without stretching my comfort zone constantly. And so whenever I get an opportunity, whether it's sometimes, it's just personal, it's not even like has anything to do with my business, I stretch and push myself to see what my capabilities are. We do not grow in our comfort zone. And I know most of the time I'm growing because I push myself purposely, but I also know that I'm going to grow when things come up that I'm not thinking are going to happen when uncomfortable things happen to me. For me, however you want to say it, I'm ready for it because I've done it, I've been there, I've stretched myself. And this is the perfect podcast episode to talk about the day before, if you're listening to this live quarter four hits, you are capable of so much, how much discomfort Are you willing to put yourself in to get there? The bigger you play, the more rewards you will reap, the less, the less, the less competition there is. When you play big, when you play small, there's a lot more competition and the results are small. So what are you doing? What are you choosing? I would love for you to share this episode. Share with me what you're choosing, what big, scary things are you gonna do for the fourth quarter? What are you gonna achieve? Put it out into the world. Let the world know. Don't hold it to yourself. Shout it from the rooftops. And I cannot wait to hear more about what you are doing and going to achieve in quarter four. So.