The Visibility Impact Show

An Audacious Decision Got Me Here

Crissy Conner Season 13 Episode 529

529 - Where have your audacious decisions gotten you?

The Ripple Effect

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Today, I had to go to the chiropractor, and it really got me thinking about one of the best decisions that I ever made in my life. So today, for about the past 10 days, I've been feeling this like awful pain in my neck. Um, it started before the motorcycle thing. So if you saw that, it was not because of that. It started before that. That probably didn't make it any better. But, um, I'm the type of person that I don't know if you are like this, but I'm going to try everything number one that I can on my own before I go to the chiropractor. I am going to make sure that it's not going to go away. I am going to get on my inversion table. I have a bulge disc. So that inversion table has came in handy since 2019 to be honest with you, and I have been using every single thing that I could, every tool that I have. I have this, like cervical like rubber thing that you like layer on your neck. I have a cervical pillow. I have so many things, right? So I've tried all of these things. I put in all the reps for whatever I could do, exercising, walking, standing up to work, laying down, like I've done everything. And 10 days later, I'm like, I can't I gotta go the chiropractor. So I walk in and my chiropractor's like, it's my fault. You're here. Like, okay, it's been a minute, I admit. And so I said, you can tell me that about it when you know, when you come into the room that I'm getting put in, and he comes in and he goes, Well, sometimes, like, I think about my patients, and then they magically just like, end up in here. And I'm like, okay, yeah, it is your fault, because I had no plans of coming in here today. But anyhow, way back when, probably like, 2019 2019 I realized they had a bulge disc. I had an MRI. Ended up having a lot of other problems, and found out I had to have surgery because they found cysts on my ovaries. TMI, I know. Anyhow, this was supposed to be a three to five day Max recovery, and it ended up not being that. It ended up being like, What is wrong with me? Why is this happening? Actually ended up it was outpatient, and have stay at night at the hospital, just all these things that I didn't expect. Nobody prepared before. And so I thought, you know, I'm going to be out, not going to be visible for three to five days, and after that, I'll be fine. But let me take you back, because in 2019 that is when I decided to coin and found the domain for the visibility Queen com. And I purchased the domain in August of 2019 the surgery was the end of November, and probably about mid 2018 This is when I decided to be really consistent with being visible, and when I bought the domain in 2019 The first thing I said to myself was, do you really have the audacity to call yourself the visibility queen So much so that you are going to buy this domain and start walking around and calling yourself the visibility Queen on your own. And I'll never forget my coach at the time said, Yes, you are, because at first it's like if you watch Game of Thrones. When denarius walks around and calls herself the queen of dragons, she calls herself the queen of the Iron Throne, like she has all these names, and she has to announce herself, and she has to say who she is, until eventually, she doesn't, right, eventually people start knowing who she is, but when I purchased that domain, I had set a precedence of myself. I made a decision, okay, I'm going to be the visibility queen, so I get to show up like her, and I am so thankful that I had the audacity to do that, even though no one knew who the visibility queen was, because if I would not have done that, that three to five day recovery for that surgery, I was out eight weeks, getting blood work done, trying to figure out what's wrong with me constantly. Me. But if I had not had the audacity to put myself out there and say, I'm going to be the visibility queen, I'm going to show up every single day, and I'm going to show up like her, right? Even though I'm not her yet, I'm going to show up like her. That eight weeks that I was out feeling like crap, supported me so strongly through those eight weeks that I was laying on my couch feeling like crap, trying to recover, couldn't figure out what's wrong with me, crying, whining, whatever. I was in extreme pain. And I am so thankful that the girl four months prior, had some big Kahunas and said, We're doing this because that buying that domain, as silly as it is, that 12, $10 whatever domain, created a ripple effect, because I'm not going to own the visibility and not show up as a visibility queen. I'm not going to buy that domain and go like, see you. I'm not going to buy that domain and not put in the reps to become who I said I wanted to be, and I had no idea back in in August that there was going to be a surgery. I had no idea that I was going to be out more than three to five days. I had no idea. But the thing is, is that I launched my first evergreen product around the time that I had the surgery, and because of because of my visibility, because of putting in the reps, because of that ripple effect of saying yes and having the audacity to buy that domain, I had my First ever$2,000 launch, and it blew my mind, because I wasn't visible for eight weeks. It was the ripple effect of everything that I did and everything that I had, that I repurposed, and that literally set the ripple effect of me being able to create other programs to actually be where I'm at today. But if I didn't have the audacity, if I didn't have the delusion, if I didn't have the Wouldn't this be crazy if I called myself the visibility queen, thought in my head if I was like, no, no, no, I can't. I can never tell anybody about that domain. I can. I have to show up. I have to be her first. I have to, you know, come into my power before I can, like, put that out there into the world. What would I have done? What would have changed? What would have been different? I don't know, but I know I had big shoes to fill by saying I'm purchased the visibility domain, and now I'm going to work on becoming her. I'm going to put in the reps to become her. And that ripple effect created my first ever $2,000 launch. Created a launch when I was literally healing from a surgery, and couldn't figure out what was wrong with me when I was out for eight weeks, showing up sporadically, but able to show up consistently because I had all that content that I could repurpose again. I had no idea that was going to happen, but that is the most beautiful ripple effect that I can share with you today to show you what this can do for your business, what a ripple effect can do for your life, what a ripple effect can do for those around you. And I cannot wait. We're going to do this program. We start tomorrow. We have a call Thursday or Tuesday and Thursday, and it is $22$22.22 cent and that $22.22 cent from each person that purchases it is going to help Helene hurricane relief efforts. And you also get that $22.22 as a credit towards any of my programs. And before the end of 2024 so it is a win win. We get to start a ripple effect, like right when you say yes to purchasing this program, because that that purchase is going to help someone else, that purchase is going to be donated to help someone in North Carolina, Tennessee, those areas that are really struggling because of this hurricane that came through when they got unexpected downpours and destruction that they never expected to get, it all starts with you, even if you don't say yes to this program, even if you decide not to do this program, where can you. Having the audacity to creating a ripple effect in your life, in your business, where are you holding back? Because guess what? Actually holding back. Playing small also creates a ripple effect. It creates a ripple effect of playing smaller it creates a ripple effect of not taking big chances and risks. It creates a ripple effect of letting fear win. And I think we all have seasons where we let fear win, and you get to decide, when am I going to stop that kind of ripple effect from happening? I don't want that ripple anymore. I want to create a new ripple. I remember doing this diet back in the day. I don't it was Dr Sears. Maybe, I don't know what was called, but anyhow, he said you're only as healthy as your next as your next meal, meaning if you screw up, or you eat something you don't was not You're not supposed to eat, just eat healthy in the next meal. And this is the same thing, I can tell you, maybe last week or yesterday or today, you let fear win, and you didn't do the thing that you really wanted to do, that you're really feeling called to do that could create this massive ripple effect. Stop the ripple effect of letting the fear win and replace it with taking the action to create like courageous actions, fear still there, but we can overcome it with courage. Thevisibility, I wasn't the visibility queen, not even close, but I stepped through my fear and had the crazy audacity and delusion to know that I would become her, and it gave me my first ever amazing launch. I mean, $2,000 was like a huge win for me back then. And so I want to challenge you to create a ripple in your own life, whether you join this program or not, create a ripple, not a fear ripple, a courageous ripple, a confident ripple, an audacious ripple, an uncomfortable ripple, because when you push through that discomfort, that's where the Magic at. That's the ripples that go so far outside of you. That's the ripples that people may not even like, they may not even know you, but they're like, Oh my gosh. Are you that girl that did 100 lives in July? Are you that girl that did 200 lives in July of 2021 like, are you that girl? Are you that person? I ripple effects can create more visibility. Ripple effects can create more people knowing who you are. Ripple effects can make so much impact and influence. It's like, what are you waiting for. What are you waiting for? I will see you tomorrow at 130 I think around the replay for day one of the ripple effect, because it's time to stop being scared and stop letting fear create your ripples and push through and play bigger, because the bigger you play, the bigger the ripples and.

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