The Visibility Impact Show

From Discomfort to Cash Flow

Crissy Conner Season 13 Episode 532

532 - Making big moves is the reason I've stayed in business since 2015.

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Crissy Conner:

About big freaking moves, is why I am still in business, since 2015 2016 that's why I'm still in business, because I choose to make big moves. So if you been around a while, you know that back in July of 2020, right, when the world started opening back up that I did 100 live videos in July, everyone thought I was crazy. And then I started hitting five figure months, two months later, and had my first six figure year. By the end of that month, or by the end of that year. Okay, so number one big move, July of 2021, I decided, well, 100 live videos. Let's push myself a little harder and do 200 live videos in 31 days. Again, I did it was very hard. Would not recommend doing that again, but I had my highest cash month at the time, because I decided to stretch myself in June the next year, I decided to go on a one year, uncomfortable journey completely turn my business around. I really got rid of about 100 grand in revenue because I decided to not do so much service based business and do more coaching and and growing that side of my business, the the one to many side of my business. Again, best thing that I did, right? And so when we decide to make really big freaking moves, crazy things happen. When I decided to let go of my 11,000 follower Instagram account, again, everyone thought I was crazy, and then I started making sales with a brand new Instagram account. Again, it didn't make sense. And the thing is, is that when we do crazy things and we do big we make big moves like this, people are not going to understand us. Every investment that I've made, whether it's a $7,000 a month mastermind, a $3,300 a month mastermind, or I just signed on a year mastermind, for $25,000 like people don't understand this, and they don't need to understand this, because the thing is, is that I know what stretches me. I know what grows me. Two weeks ago, I decided, with 10 days notice, I'm going to put on a live event, like a just an event, nothing really structured, but we're going to do something. It's going to be free. I gave myself self 10 days notice. I put it together. It was successful, and that I consider it being successful when people DM me and said, That's exactly what I needed. Again. It was uncomfortable, but I did it. Every uncomfortable move, every time I stretch myself. Magic Happens every single time, whether it's paying big money and making big investments in something, whether it's stretching myself, whether it's getting uncomfortable, whether it's shutting down an 11,000 Instagram account and and starting over when I decide Magic Happens every single freaking time I read a quote today, and if you saw my Facebook, you probably saw it. But this guy, Gary breka, who is like a a health guy, who's a friend of mine, just told me to start following. And he said that so many of us, I might pull my phone over here so I can read it. But he said that so many of us, the most important conversations that we have with ourself every single day are the one what we say to ourselves, right? So he's talking about going to this seven marathon across seven continents and seven days with his son, and he's reminded that scheduling small, controlled amounts of suffering, that's what he calls it into our day, like cold water, plunges, heavy weights, sauna, fasting, denial of processed foods and sweets, consistent Sleep and morning discipline strengthens us as humans. Maybe those internal conversations you're having with yourself are filled with self doubt or denial, and it's too late to start, but just know that there is a dog inside every single one of us capable of greatness. You can transform your body, heal your body, Heal your mind, hit your goals, reach financial freedom, conquer the demons of addiction and deepen your relationship just by changing the conversations with you have with yourself. But he's talking about getting uncomfortable doing things to stretch yourself, right? Um, Cody Sanchez put out a video today, and she was talking about that we don't put ourselves in enough pain that we always want to go the ease. Way out, right? And so when we choose to stretch ourself, when we choose to be do big, scary things, when we decide that I'm going to create discomfort for myself, because number one, when I create discomfort for myself, I know people are going to think I'm crazy, which is fine, um, so they're talking. But number two, I'm typically going to grab a lot of attention when I create discomfort in myself. The next thing that's going to happen when I create discomfort for myself is that I am setting myself up to not be as disappointed and to deal with disappointment on a different level, because I already purposely put myself in situations that are uncomfortable, that are discomfort, right? So when it comes to failing, when it comes to any of those feelings, those gross feelings we don't like, as a business owner or as a human, I'm already know what that feels like, because I'm putting myself in situations that don't feel good every single day. You know, I was averaging about 6000 steps a day, and I said, You know what I need to be doing 10, and as soon as I get comfortable with 10, I'm going to go to 12. And then I was like, You know what? I've been doing weights and I've been walking every single day like it's time to add something else. Let's go with Pilates. Let's do strength training. Pilates. It hurts. It's not feel good. I'm not going to be able to move my arms tomorrow, but it is my choice to put myself in discomfort, because it does nothing but grow me, just like a muscle that is in recovery and is in pain, it's growth When I choose put myself in discomfort and uncomfortable situations. It's growth when I when I joined that mastermind, I said, I need some I use the peach some butt kicking, right? And then I went and did this riff in my inner circle, and all these messages start coming to me. I need you to kick my butt. I needed you to kick my butt. Okay, let's go like, where are you playing small? Where are you not taking risks? Where are you too afraid to stretch yourself and push yourself? Because most likely, this is an area that's that's going to create massive growth for you when you decide to do something differently, when you decide to get uncomfortable, when you decide to push your comfort levels. You gotta remember, in my first business that I was not like this, right? I made skincare in my basement, and I wanted to be safe and I wanted to be warm and I wanted to be comfortable and I didn't want anybody to tell me what to do or stretch my boundaries. I just wanted to feel safe in my little bubble. And guess what? It did not create success. That's why that business ended. I learned a lot from that business, but I was too afraid to do so many things in this business, I have stretched myself beyond belief, and I know that I've not even scratched the surface. And so I decided, No more playing small, no more taking the easy route, no more doing all these things. I've been so good at doing this every year in my business, and so when I go stagnant, and first of all, let me be very clear, I still make money when I play small because of all of the ROI of all the playing big. But if I want to continue to grow and excel and keep overachieving what I've done in the past. I can't stay the same. I get to play bigger so I get to write more books. I get to stretch myself. I get to get on video more I get to be more vulnerable. I get to pay bigger money for investments. I get to stretch my clients and push my clients, that has to be pushed and stretched. That's how we grow. We don't grow and we don't create exciting results by staying the same. You know, doing the same thing over and over is the definition of insanity, right? Expecting different results. I'm not going to do the same thing over and over and expect different results. I'm going to do things to the next level again and again and again and expect different results. So I want you to think about whether you're thinking about what to do for the rest of 2024 or you're thinking about what to do in 2025 you are in control. You get to decide what your next move is. You get to decide what the next thing that you're going to do is. And it can be the easy way, and it can be the comfortable way. Or. Forever, you can just take a little step into discomfort, stretch yourself just a little bit. Imagine if every day for the rest of this year you chose to stretch yourself just a little bit, maybe not only in business, maybe also in your in your health or your other goals that you have, maybe finances, right? And if you choose to just stretch yourself a little bit, point 100, percent better than the date or more than the day before, think of who you're going to be on January 1, you're going to be a totally different person. Things aren't going to scare you as bad or upset you as bad as they did yesterday, because you're choosing to stretch. You're choosing the harder things. You're choosing to go for it. It's not easy to run a business. It is not all rainbows and butterflies. However, the more that I stretch myself, the more I can tell you that all this is worth it, it's all worth it. It's all worth it, because guess what, if this business I ever decide to be done with it, I have grown so much that I can literally do anything, anything because I said so, and because I've shown myself that I can. So whether you need to stress yourself, whether you need to set a big goal, whether you need to challenge yourself, whatever that looks like, just don't be the same. Show up, grow, stretch and really see, because I don't think even you know what you're actually capable of.

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