The Visibility Impact Show

The Mistakes You’re Making That Are Keeping You From Attracting Raving Fans

Crissy Conner Season 13 Episode 533

Are you unknowingly pushing your ideal audience away? In this episode, we’re diving into the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make when it comes to attracting raving fans—like talking to everyone, chasing vanity metrics, and inconsistent messaging. Don’t miss these game-changing insights that will set your content strategy on fire for 2024 and beyond!

Raving Fans 3.0 will support you with your 2025 strategy to attract more

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Welcome to your raving fans era. This is the time of year that we really focus strongly on our content strategy, our client attraction strategy, and really doing what it takes to call in, attract, magnetize raving fans to you. Okay, so we're going to talk about the mistakes that you're making when it comes to attracting raving fans. So what are the mistakes that I see most people making? Number one, and this is why we did a whole, like two day program on this. We're talking to everyone. We're talking to everyone, and when a raving fan, my definition of a raving fan is someone who is not cold in your audience, who is not warm in your audience, they're hot. They may not be giving you instant gratification, but they are going to be buying from you if they haven't already. They are watching everything you do. They may not comment, because I attract a lot of introverts, and we don't like to call attention to ourselves, so they may not comment, but they are there, and we show up for them, and we know that they are there, and they show us that in the ways that they're purchasing, they're upgrading, they're coming back for more, and that's how we know we have raving fans. And so when we talk to everyone, they can't see themselves in our content. They can't see themselves in what we are saying. And so if they can't see themselves or feel like you're talking to them, they're going to scroll on by because we try to, you know, to include everyone in our content. Well, I don't want to leave anybody out. I want blah blah, but you actually are leaving everyone out when you try not to leave someone out. And so therefore, that's when your content is really so, so, and I used to do this, so I completely understand that's when your content is really so. So it's not direct, it's not to the point, it's not narrow, it's very wide and broad, so that everyone can feel like there's a sentence or a word in there that you're talking to them. And it's just not enough. It's not enough for conversions. It's not enough to keep people coming back. It basically, they swipe on by, they scroll on by. They're not interested. They're moving on. Remember, you have like, three seconds, if that these days, to attract someone. So really, when we're talking to everyone, where we're pleasing everyone, we're watering down our message, they don't feel connected, right? And again, they don't feel seen and heard so they're going to move on by. The next thing that I see is that people are so focused on vanity metrics over real connections. And this comes in, oh, I'm not going to post video anymore because I only had like three views. Oh, I'm not going to post video anymore or go live anymore because only 50 people watched it okay. If you could get three people in front of you right now that your ideal person? Would you be mad? If you could get 50 people in front of you that were your ideal person, would you be mad? Let's say there were 50 people, and only 10% of them were your ideal person, five in front of you right now. It is always worth it. I have never, ever, ever regretted anything I done, even if I didn't get the results, the views, the algorithm, the comments that I thought it would, I keep showing up. That's why people buy right? Because, just like I said in the first mistake, people don't always give us instant gratification, and if I keep quitting because they're not giving me instant gratification, I'm not gonna stay in business very long. So I look at data. I don't make data mean anything about me. And you know, we have this, this idea in our head that if somebody has 10,000 followers on a platform, they're making the big bucks, and that's also not true. I personally would rather have 100 raving fans than 100,000 followers. And if you're like, but you could, you could, you could, like, convert them Crissy, they probably are not my ideal person, all my ideal people, right? And so therefore it doesn't make any sense. Give me 100 raving fans any day, over 10 times that in followers, because that's where it's at. Because, to me, what's more important than followers is conversions, is sales, is transformations, is impact, all of those things are way more important than the follower count to me and the numbers. So we are going to focus on when it comes to raising fans, we're going to focus on the things that matter, not the things that don't matter. Alright, being inconsistent is another mistake that I. People making we're inconsistent with how we show up. We're inconsistent with how often we show up, and so we're never going to establish trust if there is inconsistency in how we show up, meaning, sometimes I show up once a week, sometimes I show up two times a week, sometimes I show up five times a day, and then I'll see you in another week like again, it's just too inconsistent, and there gets to be some consistency, because if people want to work with you, they want to know you're going to be there, right? And that's how we build trust. The other inconsistency that I see is that we're talking about 365, different things, if we are consistent. So we're consistent in the amount and the in the quantity, but we're not consistent in the quality. We have no repetition strategy. We're just literally talking about something new every single day. So our audience is confused. What happens to a confused audience? They do not I ever they don't buy Okay? The next thing is posting without a purpose. How often do you post something and say, What's the point of this? Why am I posting this? Is this for me, or is this for them? Is this? Am I posting this because I think it's funny, or am I posting this because it's going to give massive value to my client, my potential clients, my future raving fans, and it's going to change their life again. What is the purpose? Why am I posting this? Why? And if I can keep asking myself, why, and it keeps getting deeper and it keeps getting better, that's a good piece of content, right? The other thing that I see is people say, Well, no one commented, no one said anything. Okay, and this is going back to vanity. But also, did you ask them to did you ask them a question? Was there a question mark anywhere in there? Because you can't always expect engagement if you don't ask, right? One of the things I love doing on Instagram is make sure you save this for later. People save it. Comment below. If you want more information, you don't always have to say, Go, click the link and buy right? Have you subscribed to my YouTube channel again, if no one is commenting and no one is doing what you say, are you even saying it? Are you even asking? That's a mistake that I see. The other thing it's definitely a mistake that I see, is we're overlooking the power of our story of storytelling, of using stories that can entwine into our content, our experience, our own transformations, we're just not talking about it enough, and therefore there's no real connection. Because the reason we want to story tell is so that people can see themselves in our story, or they can see what's possible in our stories, or they can find the pieces that they feel are relatable to them in our story, right? Everybody loves a good story. We love the underdog. We love the person who's failing. We love the person who just had a massive breakdown. We love that, and we love to see them rise like a phoenix, right? But if we aren't telling stories, there's no way that they can do that. And this is your story. This is not chat GPT story. This is not Google story. This is your story. This is what differentiates you from everyone else. Okay, and so this is, again, a great opportunity. The other thing that I see most people are making mistakes when it comes to raving fans, is they post and ghost literally like you post, you don't comment, you post, you don't engage with other followers. You post, and you're just like, I'm here. I'm giving all this value. You come to me and as not the way it is, I can tell you that I posted on, I can't remember whose post it was now, but it was like your book recommendations. I have gotten so much engagement from that comment on somebody else's post. I got a I posted a comment on a threads I don't know, like a month or two ago, and I think it said I have 500 views on a comment. Again. Where are you missing out on opportunities to engage with your future raving fans? Where are you missing out on opportunities to engage with your people who your future raving fan also follow? Right? This is important. The other thing this is definitely a mistake that I see as well, is you are trying to be like everyone else. Oh, this person in my industry did it like this. I'm going to do, I'm going to say that too that doesn't differentiate you. It makes you the same. You're just like everyone else. There's nothing that makes you stand out, there's nothing that gives you authenticity. There's nothing that's going to attract. People to you. You might get lucky every once in a while, but the more authentic you are, the more you are going to attract people that crave someone like you. I don't want to attract my coaches clients. That doesn't make sense, right? It's not about the money, it's about the result, it's about the relationship, it's about the transformation. So I want to attract people who are ideal for me. Those are my raving fans. And guess what? When I attract those people, they don't leave, they stay. They keep renewing. They keep showing up, not only to programs and things like that. They show up for themselves. And that's the type of person I want to attract. Another thing that I see mistakes happening is, I would say giving up too soon, giving up too soon, not getting the results that you want, and not doing consistent I would say, raving fans temperature checks, meaning, when was the last time you created a master class? When was the last time you created a free offer? When was the last time you did a live and you invited people to it and saw who showed up? So if we're not doing these temperature checks periodically, we actually don't know if we have raving fans or not, but when we do these things periodically and people are showing up, oh, I have some raving fans here, let's see what else I can do. Now, want to build on that, right? But if we're doing things like this and no one's showing up, it's a great temperature check that, okay, I get to work on this. My content is not tight enough. You know, I always ask, like, is it a selling problem or a raving fans problem? Well, do this? Do a free offer and see what happens if no one shows up or no one opts in. It's probably a raving fan problem. It could be a combination of both, but most likely it's a it's a raving fans problem. The other thing is, is that really, I believe we struggle with humanizing our brand, again, not being vulnerable, thinking that chat, G, P, T, needs to write all of our stuff, thinking that we have to be perfect. Perfection is not something that people are attracted to. When I talk about my failures, that's when people are really listening. When I talk about my breakdowns, that's when people are really listening. When I get vulnerable, people get emotional with me, and that creates this common bond. It creates people who want to continuously cheer you on because they've been there or they're there right now, and they want to see you succeed, because that is an indication that they can succeed too. And the last thing that I will say, that I see people missing the mark is visibility. And this is more than just getting on video. This is having every aspect of your business being visible, meaning I am attracting raving fans when I post content and I'm not selling, I am attracting raving fans when I'm also selling. I attract raving fans in the events that I go to. I am always attracting raving fans in everything that I do. Every part of my business is visible, my offers, my master classes, my content. And it's not just text. I am in my content. I am embodied in my content. I show up, not with like cracking the whip and saying you need to go to this but I am over here doing something opposite. I am in everything that I do. I am visible in everything that I do. So what I do and what I stand for is visible in every single aspect of my business. And the question is, besides being visible to your audience, which is very, very important, is the thing that you do visible and embodied in everything that you do? Do you show up like that? These are all great questions to ask yourself, to see, am I making mistakes when it comes to attracting my raving fans? And we are going to talk about all of these things and how we can improve all of these things inside of raving fans, 3.0 that starts next week. And I'm super excited, because every year we do this, it gets better, because every year I learn more and more and more and more, and this year is going to be no different. I am going to add the link in the show notes, so make sure you grab that. And if you're listening to this later on down the road, it's still available. You can watch all the replays and all the goodness, and watch it on demand. So make sure you grab that link, and I cannot wait to see you inside of raving fans 3.0 because we are going to end 2024 strong, which means 2025 is going to start on faya.

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