The Visibility Impact Show
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The Visibility Impact Show
No Drama, Just Data: My Sales Transformation
Struggling with sales? In this episode, I share the 10 biggest mistakes I made when I loathed selling and the mindset shifts and strategies that transformed my approach, helping me fall in love with serving and selling authentically.
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But when I loathed, when I hated, when I was not good at sales, when I was not making cells.
Unknown:This, these 10 things were
Crissy Conner:some of my main problems, my top, I would say, my top 10 problems. So number one, if I did a free event, I had expectations, meaning I'm taking the time out of my day to do this for you. So I expected sales. And this is a big, crazy thing, because I don't expect sales. I don't expect anything from anyone. However, I know when I do a free event, I will make sales. And so there was just this different energy from expectations and knowing. And I made that shift. And that was a big shift for me, because, you know, I'm showing up, I'm giving all this value, I'm doing all these things. Why isn't nobody buying? Why are they? Why are people not jumping on this? And so I have this whole skewed view of sales and what service really was. The second thing is, I would sit and refresh my email. I would check on the clicks on my website, um, I would do whatever like I would sit at my desk all day, waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting for people to buy from me, and that is a big thing. And I just, I just saw a comment had 63 people registered for event, and only one person showed up. So this is very interesting, because I had about that many signed up for my very first webinar in 2018 and noone showed up. And I did that free webinar eight times in a row, because live, not replay. It was live because it made me better. And by the eighth time, people started showing up. And so that's just a reminder, people will show up. This is a busy time of year, if it was in in November or December, right? And so we also get to remember that even if we're doing something for free, this was totally not planned. I was I'm going to talk about this, but if we're doing something for free, we were asking people for their most precious thing, their time. We're asking them for their most we're asking them to trade their time to watch our thing, right? And so we get to remember that. So just a reminder that it is their most precious commodity, right? It's the thing they will never get back. So remember that moving forward and still show up. Anyhow, I used to say sometimes I show up for people's businesses before they do, and that's okay, right? So you're showing up for people before they do, and that's okay, alright? So I would, literally, I would refresh my email. I would check to see the link clicks. I would sit at my desk waiting on a cell, and my family will tell you now, I don't wait on anyone. I wait on noone in my family. I refuse to wait. I am always moving. I don't wait on the cell, I don't sit and click links, I don't sit and tear myself apart like I used to, like I move. I'm living my life during a launch. I'm living my life while I'm selling. I'm living my life while I'm delivering something for free, because that brings in way more sales than waiting. What is the saying A watched pot doesn't boil? Is it something like that? Yeah, it seems like it takes forever. So while I'm waiting on a cell, I could actually be moving I could be creating content. I could be going live. I could be sharing more value, right? So why wait? I'm no longer waiting, alright? Number three, I only talked about my offers a few times because I was afraid of annoying people. I was afraid of getting on people's nerves, and everybody's seen at least one of those three posts. So why do I need to keep talking about it? Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. Today, I can talk about my offers. This is an exaggeration in a million different ways, and never say the same thing twice, and that's one of my one of the things that I'm teaching in this sold out framework is because I can teach you so many different ways to talk about an offer that never says buy me. That never says, you know, you gotta buy this now, right? I never convince people, just not part of my strategy, and it works alright. Number four, when there weren't cells coming in, I would get louder versus getting more strategic. So my my old strategy that didn't work, don't do that, by the way. Um, so I would get louder and I would start shouting at my audience, not, not that literally, but I would like just start posting more and more and more and more and more. Like pay attention to me. I'm telling you, I'm trying to sell you. I'm trying to tell you, I'm trying to sell you. And that doesn't work, right? What works is, thank God I figured this out. Lean back energy, not waiting on the cell, not expecting the cell, and truly. Living my life, those things actually work, and it's so funny how that shifts and changes everything. The fifth thing that I would do is I would lower my price because I assumed people weren't buying because the price was too high. Here is a news flash for you. 99.5% of the time it has nothing to do with your price, nothing. People buy exactly what they want. People that can't can't afford things, go on expensive vacation. People that say they can't afford your thing are going to go to somebody else and buy it. It rarely has to do with price, it's probably trust. You haven't shown up enough to build that trust with them, but normally it's a trust issue, because people buy exactly what they want. They don't buy what they can afford. They buy what they want. Okay, alright. Number six, I hated selling, and I repeated that to myself every time I was selling, it was like the stock ticker at the bottom of the news feed, like going around in my head, I hate selling. I hate selling. I hate selling. I hate selling. A second selling, a second selling. Do you think I got better by saying those words to myself all the time? Do you think I got better with having that attitude? No, now I invite and I serve, and that creates multi, six figures in sales every single year, inviting and serving. And I love selling, because I do it in a way of service, and I do it in a way of inviting to what's next? Big Game changer, big, big, huge. Alright, number seven, I thought or sorry I wasn't confident in my offers. I don't know if I was even confident in me, but I was indecisive. I questioned everything. I changed everything. I really just wasn't solid and in my standards, which has changed so much over the past few years, I'm very solid. I make very fast decisions. I don't wait on anybody like I move. I'm moving. Hop on board. Join us. Don't whatever. It's okay, cuz we're gonna have fun and we're gonna learn, and I'm going to create some massive transformations in every program that I do. It's your choice whether you want to join, right? And it's just a big game changer. I would, I would analyze everything that I did, everything that I said, everything that I put out, every offer, every price, like, oh, like, so indecisive. And today I still analyze, but it's no drama. It literally. It's like Crissy who did that launch, or Crissy who sold that is like over here. Okay, let me look at her. What did she do? How did she show up? What did she say? How many times did she talk about that? How visible was she? What was she doing leading up to selling or launching that offer? Because that is more important than actually selling the offer. If I wasn't consistent, that makes sense why my cells didn't go as high as I thought they would, right? If I wasn't doing the things, if I wasn't in my power, if I was wavering, if I was indecisive, I'm going to see that through the results every single freaking time, right? And so really, just getting rid of drama and being all about the the data, that is the most important thing. No drama,
Unknown:all data. It's all numbers. It's all numbers. Figure
Crissy Conner:it out. Look at it. That's a that was a that was two weeks ago. Me Right. What did I do wrong? What was I doing? And 90 days ago? Me What was I doing? Was I not showing up? Was I hiding, right? Was I not giving enough value? Alright? Number eight, I thought I hadn't had sales calls with every person before they would buy. And I did do sales calls, sales calls. I will not get on a sales call for the rest of my life. I will tell you that right now. Will I talk to you about my offers? Yes, well, I tell you what I think is best for you. If you ask, of course, will I convince you? Nope. Will I pinch you? Nope. I will invite you to the next thing, I will talk to you, answer your questions. But there is no high pressured cells in my body like it's just not there, right? Take it or leave it. Here's what I'm offering, here's what I do, here's what I'm really good at, and here's how I think it could support you. I've actually even told people they're not a fit for my some of my offers because they weren't, they weren't in the right space. And that's that's doing people a disservice when we allow just anybody to come into our offers. Our offers aren't for everyone, and each offer is for different could be for different people, right? Each product you sell could be for different people. You're not going to sell a teenager anti aging, right? And the youth version of something, right? Everything is for every for different people. And. Different results, and know that so most of the questions that people ask on a sales call can be answered in the DMS, and thank goodness that there's a such thing as voice memos, because that makes my job so much easier to answer questions to see where you're at, to see if you're a fit for this. Alright. Number nine, we're getting through these really fast number nine, I thought I was visible enough that people would just automatically buy, like, just automatically, magically buy from me, because I was so visible. Now, do I think visibility plays a huge part in my growth? 1,000% Absolutely. However, I used to create so so content, and I was still visible, and that didn't convert, as well as tight, narrow, specific content, like result based content, problem awareness content, like all of those things matter when it comes to selling. And the majority of the selling that you're ever going to do is actually through your everyday content. So what I did 90 days ago is more important than the thing I'm offering right now, because what I did 90 days ago set me up for success or failure right now. Very interesting, right? It all matters. This is why we talked about the visibility impact method inside of become the visible CEO, because that's the things I do every single day to get the results that I get when I sell. And so I tighten and will continue to tighten and refine my content strategy. I will tighten and continue to refine my sales strategy. I will tighten and continue to refine my offer strategy, I will tighten and continue to refine my visibility strategy. Everything that I do if I'm not constantly refining, I'm going to get left behind. If I'm not constantly refining, the internet is changing all the time. The algorithms are changing all the time. So if I'm not strategic in refining that, and I'm not investing in myself, I'm also going to get to a point where I'm not supporting my clients to the level they get to be supported. So to me, refining is everything. You think you're great at what you do, you could be better. We're all great at what we do, but if we don't expand, if we don't grow, then what is the quote, If you're not growing, you're dying. I'm always growing. I'm always pushing and stretching myself and getting uncomfortable. Alright? And number 10, I thought doing the same things that weren't working, over and over and more quantity would eventually work and increase my cells. Now that's the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Now this does not mean you don't try something for 90 days like and I don't actually not try. You do something for 90 days trying is anticipating failure, but when you do things for 90 days, you're going to start seeing the real results of that. So when people tell me they've tried everything, I've never tried everything for 90 days with specific strategies in place. So that's actually none of us have tried everything. There's always something else to do, right? And so I believe that we again going back to that refining. It's always refining and investing in myself and understanding really what sales is, and understanding really how to sell and what am I going on 40 months of launching at least one thing every single month and selling almost every single day, that's a lot of time. What's 40 times 30 the average days a month, right? That's a lot of time that I've had to refine and grow and get better at selling. I can take all the courses I want, but if I'm not actually doing it, I'm not going to improve, right? So I take programs and I hire mentors that stretch me and take me to the next level, but I'm also doing the work, because that's really the way that you get better, that's really the way that you refine and you see that things can work in a different way for you. So it was funny last year in 2023 when I decided to sell the sold out framework, it was a big game changer for me, because I swore, back in the time when I hated selling, I would never sell a selling program. I had to launch programs, but I was like, I'm never selling a selling program. And what I realized was I was really good at sales. I just needed to shift these 10 things that held me back in order to get better, right? And to actually do it, instead of hiding from it, instead of just being. Like, Oh, I'm going to show up on video, people will magically ask
Unknown:me for a link. It doesn't work. It doesn't
Crissy Conner:work. So even the top coaches, even the top mentors in the industry, sell consistently. They don't hide, they don't don't put a link out and expect everybody to go hop on it, right and buy like there is work involved. There is knowing the content and how to talk about your offers. There is the consistency and the repetition, and there are the five things that I do every single day that get me the results right. People are on board through my content. They just decide when I have an offer that one's for me, the people are on board way before the offer is announced, way before the program is created, right? They know whether or not they're going to buy. And so this is really important. It's not just when you actually are selling, but it's the things you do leading up to selling. You sell every single day. When you decide to show up on social media, you're selling yourself, right? You're you're having people stop their scroll or scroll on by because that doesn't pertain to them, or they're not interested, right? So we want to grab attention. We want to do those five things that we taught in the becoming the visible CEO, because that is important, to re help you reach your goals, and then having a tight sell strategy is going to take you there the rest of the way.
Unknown:So if you do any of these 10
Crissy Conner:things that I talked about, make sure that you are refining them. You're getting away from those things. If you see yourself in any of those things, those could be the block. Those are blocking you from cells. So again, these are all things that I'm teaching inside of the sold out framework. And you don't have to be on a call or anything like that. It's all audio. And in 2025 I joined a big mastermind. I'm going to learn so much more. I'm going to have new strategies, and I'm going to drop them live, real time. The strategies that I try that work, I'm going to drop them real time all throughout 2025 so you get them immediately, versus waiting till the 2025, version of the sold out framework. So I'm super excited about that. If you want the link, I will drop it in the chat after this live. But I'm super excited again. We started yesterday or two days ago, but it's all audio. People are hopping in and out whenever they desire. There's no like you're behind. It's it's during the holidays. So I just want you to be ready for all the sales opportunities in 2020