The Visibility Impact Show

How Bad Do You Want It?

Crissy Conner Season 14 Episode 546

Here’s the truth: When you really want something, you don’t make excuses—you find a way. You buy what you need, you commit fully, and you take consistent action. Because when your desire burns that deeply, nothing can stop you.

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I believe that when you really want something, you will always find a way. You will find a way to make time for it. You will find a way to pay for it. You will find a way to make it happen. Deep desires. We're always going to make it a priority. We're always going to make said thing a priority. We make the people in our lives that we want a said priority, right? We know, as humans, how to prioritize everything that we want. And sometimes we get to ask ourselves a question, do I want this as bad as I think I do do. I desire this as much as I say that I do as I keep telling myself that I do, and sometimes that answer is no. How do we fix this? How do we focus on this? Well, number one, decide, decide what you really want, like, figure out what you really want. And you know when you really want something and you finding a way again. How many times have you ever wanted something really, really bad in your life, and you kept coming up against obstacles, and nothing was going to stop you. Nothing was going to stop you, like you weren't going to make it happen. How many times have you wanted to drive somewhere and you wanted to go somewhere, and maybe there was an accident, or maybe there was bad traffic, or maybe there was something and you're like, Fine, I'll take an alternative route. I'll figure it out. I'll get there. If somebody you loved said, I need you to do this. Is that a priority? Would you make it happen no matter what obstacles were in your way? So you know what it feels like to make things happen, even when it's not easy, even when it's not smooth sailing, even when it's not the easiest path, even when there are bumps in the road, even when there are distractions, even when things come up, there has been some point in your life that you've had difficulties and you found a way to make whatever it is work. And most of us have had this happen over and over and over and over again. So the question is again, how bad do you want to grow your business? How bad do you want 2025 to look different than 2024 How bad do you want to increase your revenue? How bad do you want to get visible? How bad do you want to be more consistent in marketing, your business, getting visible, showing up, creating better content, fill in the blank, right? When you truly want something, you're going to have moments of doubt. You're going to have moments of imposter syndrome. You're going to have so many moments, right? But you do it anyway. When you want to buy something, let's say it's the latest and greatest phone, latest and greatest phone that's out you are like, I need that phone. If you can't pay for it. In full, what do you do? You make payments. But you want that phone. You want that phone, and you're gonna do everything you can to figure out a way to pay for that phone. So what is blocking you with having that same tenacity in your business, in your sales, in your growth, in your consistent actions, what's blocking you, what's holding you back from truly achieving that? You know, a lot of times we say we want something, but we're not willing to make a commitment. I remember years ago saying, don't make resolutions. Make commitments, because you would never say, I resolution to, I resolute too, but I commit to, and I always love that, like, where are you committed? You know, I had a coach one time, and I talk about this in my launch program who said, you're making a vow to this program that you're launching. You're making a vow like, are you in it for better or worse? You have to say these vows in marriage, because they're going to be hard days. There are going to be sickness and health, right? There's going to be all these things that come up. The same thing is going to happen to your baby called your business. The same thing is going to happen to the offer that you think everybody in the world needs. The same thing is going to happen when you launch. The same thing is going to happen every single thing you do. There's going to be road books, because they're saying, How bad do you want it? How bad do you want it? Or are you just joking? Use playing around. This thing called owning a business, being a CEO, being an entrepreneur. If you're really in it, you're going to find a way around the bumps, or you're going to go over them. You know, everything is not oh, we're always at the top of the mountain, and life is amazing. We have to go to the valleys. We have to go the valleys. And sometimes the valleys are dark and sometimes the valleys are hard and sometimes the valleys are cold, and sometimes there's not very much sunshine there. What are you going to do? Are you going to go through the valley? Are you going to quit in the valley? I talked about this in one of my programs today, and it's really interesting, because we we have this first day energy, it's the first Monday. It's the first Monday of the first week of the new year, of the first month of the year, right? Like, it's first day energy, I have day one energy, I'm still freaking excited. I have 2025 energy, like, I have all these things, and then on Tuesday, you're going to feel a little less that. On Wednesday, you're going to feel a little less that on Thursday, you're going to feel feel a little less that the only thing that will keep that feeling is called commitment. We can make a decision all we want, but the decision has to be backed with action. If there is not action, it is wasted energy. Again, it's not really the passion isn't there, or we're not tapping into the conviction. Because when we tap into that conviction, you know what happens? I can't shut up about it. I can't be quiet about it, because there are people that I'm here to serve. You know, we talk about this a lot in some of my programming, and we, you know, sometimes people are chasing the dollar. The dollar will eventually it's never enough. You'll need more and more and more. When you look at the person and you really want to serve, and you really want to create transformation in somebody's life. That's magic that will keep your passion longer, that will keep your conviction longer. But the question is, are you willing to tap into that? The other thing I hear from about 96% I used to say 99.5 but more people are getting better at this, so we're going to 96% of business owners struggle being consistent with something, and it's almost always has to do with visibility, marketing, social media, emailing their list, something that will create additional revenue opportunities for you again. How bad do you want it? Well, nobody responds. Nobody clicks my link. Nobody opens my emails. Okay, well, guess what? When you don't send them, nobody's going to open them either. When you don't post the content, nobody's going to read it. When you don't create the video, nobody's going to watch it. So you get to decide, am I going to keep complaining? Am I going to keep making excuses, or am I going to do something about it? And this is a huge difference between people who are truly, genuinely CEOs and entrepreneurs, and people who are playing around, messing around. Because my thought is, if I have the energy, if I can complain about something, I can change it, or I can change me one or the other, especially when it's about an action that I wish was different, that I am in control of. So we want you to think about all this energy you're feeling today, and how is it going to go for tomorrow? How is it going to go for the next day? How is it going to go for the next day? Or were you really gung ho on Thursday, the first of the year? Right? And it's already like waning you can already feel it like going down again. Many things go into this, but tapping into your consistency, tapping into your conviction, tapping into your connection, tapping into your confidence, are really, really going to help you. They're going to help you. They're going to serve and support you more throughout 2025 than anything else, and if you are still struggling with that, then you maybe need accountability. Maybe need a coach who will stretch you, because if you've been doing the same thing over and over and it's not getting results, what does that mean? That you need a new set of eyes. In what you're doing. Sometimes we all get too close to our business. And again, how bad do you want it? When I struggled with sales, I was fed up with myself. I was fed up that the results weren't happening. I was fed up. I was done. I was not done with my business. I was done with not getting results. And so I took the time and I figured out how to make it work. I found somebody. I searched and I searched and I searched and I found someone who could truly help me with what I was desiring, and I joined her program, and I wasn't even through the first training when I made a declaration and I said, you're going to sell, go sell this program right now. And I could have said, Well, I haven't even been this whole program. I don't even know what. No, you're already a change person. You already said yes, that you want to change now. Go change. Go do something. Go get uncomfortable. And that decision, not only paying probably the most I've ever paid for a four week course, changed my life, but the action that I put behind it, because when I paid the money, when I declared I'm changing, guess what happened? I shifted my identity. And then I went to work. Where are you holding back? Where are you not making the full commitment? Where are you not all in it? You are the only person that knows the answer to that question. You get to make that decision. Are you going to do this on your own? Are you going to get support? Because you will you. People get exactly what they want. People buy exactly what they want. We all do exactly what we want. So make the decision, own the decision. Feel convicted about the decision, but just make a decision and own it, and remind yourself of how you are going to continuously create that day one energy, that day one conviction, that day one confidence, that day one connection with your people. Because if you show up with a servant's heart, when you show up as a serving versus, I want to make $100,000 this month. It's a game changer. It's a game changer. I promise you try it out, there always be more money to make, and you can make that kind of money, but you do it by serving versus focusing on the money. 100% do.

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