The Visibility Impact Show
Imagine creating deeper relationships with your visibility and content. Imagine being more authentic online. Imagine up-leveling every part of your business, including marketing, for massive growth to create the dream life you’ve designed. We chat all things growth, like paid advertising, mindset, emotional intelligence, launching, sales, marketing, confidence, creating programs and more. It’s time to elevate! Find out more at www.thevisibilityqueen.com
The Visibility Impact Show
See Yourself First, The Secret to Converting Your Visibility
Learn how to unlock the power of authentic visibility by fully embracing your expertise, passion, and self-leadership. Discover why seeing yourself first is the key to converting your content into real results and magnetizing your ideal audience.
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One of the things, one of the many things that I love about visibility, is that, along with owning a business, when we decide that we are going to step into our visible self, we are we are calling ourselves up. We are calling ourselves out, because in order to be truly seen, you can show up on video as much as you want. You can do as many tiktoks and reels and live videos and recorded YouTube videos as you want. But here is how you are really seen when it comes to showing up on social media, when it is when it when it's time to market your business or talk about your offer or talk about how you serve and support people, the number one thing is, until you can see yourself in all of your greatness, in all of your expertise, in all of your conviction, in all of your confidence until you can see yourself as I am, the person to come to for XYZ fill in the blank, people will not see you. Let me repeat that, until you see yourself in all of your ownership and all of your self leadership, and all of your conviction and all of your passion, in all of the things that you are known for and you are great at, and you are an expert at, until you see you in that spot, in that place, owning that place, your videos will not convert. Your videos will not attract as many people when we stand in our ownership of whatever we are, the expert in whatever we are, the are the authority and people are going to pay more attention. I don't care if people like I don't care if people comment. I mean, I do. I love it. Don't get me wrong. However, the results show up in your bank account. The results show up in the conversion in the saying yes to what you have to offer, freebies, paid programming, one on one, services, products, whatever type of business you are, right? And so when we can truly step into that that person, we truly step into our self leadership, and then we show up on video. That's what causes video to convert, because a convicted, passionate person who literally cannot wait to shout out on the rooftops what they do and who they're here to serve is contagious. People want more of that. People want that feeling. People want to they want some of what she's got, right? And so this is so important. We can talk about our offers all day long. We can talk about what we do all day long. We can teach. We can give tips. We can give, we can give solutions. But if you really want them to pay attention, tap into that. Tap into seeing you first tapping to seeing you in your as your best version of yourself and own it. Stop shying away from the greatness that you've created. Stop shying away from the results that you've created. Stop shying away and step into full ownership of who you are, what you do, and who you serve. I know it's easier said than done sometimes, but when we are in a place of waiting on people to validate us, and we don't step in our own validation, and we don't step into our own expertise, and we don't step into our own evidence, and we don't step into that, I go first energy. Most people aren't going to be attracted, right? If you're just like watering yourself down, nobody wants a watered down drink, at least most people don't. So why are you watering you down? The thing is, is that there is so much competition when you water yourself down. There is so much competition when you just show up to check a box. There is so much competition, there's not as much competition, not even close. When you show up authentically, when you own all of these things authentically, and when you show up in that manner like I know where I can take you. I know where you want to go. I know where you're at now. I know where you want to go, and I'm the person who's going to take you there, like when you own all of that, something different just happens. You can call it magical. You can call it they feel your conviction and your energy through the screen. Mean, but when you show up with a purpose, and you show up with a with the thought of, I am here to serve, and I know where we're going to go, and I know what this the results are going to do for you. I know what it feels like to be in this before state over here, where you're at but man, when you get through that transformation and you're over here, it's magical. And no matter what you do, there's a transformation that happens. No matter what you sell, there's a transformation or a solution that happens. Own it, show up, own it, talk about it. It's a beautiful thing. Stop hiding from it. Stop hiding from your greatness. Stop hiding from your expertise. Show up and let your audience know who you are, what you're about, and stop holding it in. Stop playing small. Stop watering yourself down. You're doing your audience, yourself, your family, a disservice when you hide all of that amazing magic. We have a program coming up. I can't give too many details away because it's not fully announced yet, but it is going to be a hybrid program challenge, meaning that we're going to do in between the weeks of this of the teachings of this program, so I'm super excited about it. And if you want details, just drop challenge. It's a hybrid challenge, but just drop challenge. And I'll make sure you get the link for that so you can get, like, the best possible pricing. But tomorrow we'll be announcing the name and the branding and all of those things, but the best price is before all that happens. So get in now, and we're going to work on focusing on this, on having you see you right in all of your amazingness, so that when you do press, go live, when you do press, record, when you do press, whatever, people are going to really see you, because you decided I'm seeing me first. I am standing here first. I am saying yes to me first, and just watch as that magic happens. I.