The Visibility Impact Show
Imagine creating deeper relationships with your visibility and content. Imagine being more authentic online. Imagine up-leveling every part of your business, including marketing, for massive growth to create the dream life you’ve designed. We chat all things growth, like paid advertising, mindset, emotional intelligence, launching, sales, marketing, confidence, creating programs and more. It’s time to elevate! Find out more at www.thevisibilityqueen.com
The Visibility Impact Show
The Top 5 Actions That Grow Big Businesses!!!!
Discover the 5 essential practices to build and scale a thriving business, starting with the most important asset—YOU. Learn how to prioritize personal growth, serve your audience, and show up with visibility and conviction every single day.
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I believe that there are five very important things that you i them, get to do to build a big business. And I think a lot of times we forget about these things. We aren't consistent with these things. We get complacent in these things. We're not stretching ourselves in these things. And I but I think these are, I know these are the five things that have gotten me to where I am. These are the five things that support my clients more than anything else, and I know that they are going to support you. So number one thing is probably not the thing that you will think that I'm going to talk about, that I'm going to say right now, but this is, I believe, the most important thing, and that is you. You. You are the most important asset in your business, and that means if you aren't taking care of you, if you aren't focused on you, if you're not pouring in to you, if you're not expanding you, if you're not educating you, if you aren't getting yourself into a state, what I call a CEO state, every morning, like you are doing you. You are doing you and your business and everybody around you a disservice. Why is that here? Here's a really cool thing about owning a business. Owning a business is the biggest personal development journey you will ever go on. It is the biggest growth journey you will ever freaking put yourself through. You can read all the personal development books you want, but when you go into action of growing a business, you are going to experience every single thing that you have never thought I should work on that, because it didn't come up enough. It wasn't evident enough. But when you're going to grow a business, you're going to see these things come up more and more and more and more and more. And so if we are not working on us, guess what? Your business, my business, her business will never outgrow us. Meaning, if I'm not growing my business isn't growing, plain and simple, if I'm not stretching myself, my business isn't going to stretch itself. It's never going to get where I desire it to go if I have big goals and dreams, if I'm not willing to have big goals and dreams and stretch myself and get uncomfortable, I'm never going to create uncomfortable amounts of money if I am not pushing myself to get uncomfortable myself, hands down. That's just the way it is, and I have seen this in my business, because I didn't know any of this stuff in my first business. And at the beginning of this business, I was very prideful, and I was very like, I'm going to do this on my on my own. I'm going to show the man I don't need anybody's help. Like, blah, blah, blah. And today I'm like, coaches brainwash me like I need all the help I can get. I love where I'm at, and I still have places I want to go, right. And so we get to always be working on ourselves. So number one hands down, is you. You. You are the athlete of your business. You are the asset of your business. You are the lead right in you're the lead actor actress in your business. It it gets done most likely, unless you have a team that is doing all this for you, most likely you're the face of your business. You're probably the one creating content for your business. You're probably the one maybe creating offers and funnels and doing the selling. It's all on these shoulders, right? So if we aren't taking care of us, what's our results going to look like? Probably not going to be what we want. The second thing that I believe everyone should be doing in their business is serving your clients that you have, serving your customers that you have, whether they are recurring, meaning they pay you every single month. Maybe they're they buy off of you once a quarter, maybe they've only bought off of you once. If you want them to buy from you again, pay attention to them. 68% is or sorry. Is 68% easier to sell to someone who has bought from you before than it is to acquire a new client or customer. So why aren't we paying attention to those people? They buy from you once, even if they're not it's been a month since they bought. They're still a client. To me, they're still a client, not a paying client, but they're still a client. And when we focus on those people, right? We focus on those people, they are going to buy from you more. It's 68% more likely that they are going to buy from you more than a brand new person. We still want new people, and we're going to talk about that, but nurture the people who pay you already they already know what it's like to be in your world. They already know what it's like to pay you. They already know what this is like, and if it's a good experience, they're probably going to come back. They're probably going to buy more, because they already built trust enough to give you money one time or two times or three times. The third thing is, you get to be visible. You get to be visible. You get to be seen. Now, going back to number one, where we talked about working on ourselves. If you want to really be seen by your audience, see yourself first. Know who you are, own who you are. I don't show up on video for you to validate me and tell me that I'm good. I show up on video because I already know that. And that's not like vanity, or that's not like ego. That's like I know what I bring to the table. I love the Tiktok, and I talk about this all the time, but the Tiktok that says, what does she say? What do you bring to the table? I am the table. Like, owning who you are, owning what you're good at, not like, I'm okay, you know? Or when somebody tells you your outfit's amazing, you're like, oh my god, I got it at TJ Max, it was the best deal. We downplay our success. We downplay things that are amazing about us, you have to own it. And you have to understand who you are first in order to own that visibly in front of other people, right? The fourth thing that you get to do to real, to build a really freaking big business is your ideal person, your future raving fan has to feel seen as well. So I'm seen, right? I'm getting visible, but they get to feel seen and heard through our content. This is doing a lot of work on knowing who we're speaking to, and not the stupid generic things that are like male or female, married or single kids or no kids, like no, it's so much deeper than that. Who are they in their pain? Who are they in their pleasure? Who are they in their desire? Like, there's so many things that we don't tap in and get deep enough for our our our ideal person, our future raving fan, right? We get to get deep on this and know this, and most of us aren't willing to do that work. They cannot feel seen and heard and feel like you're in their head and feel like you're talking to them if you don't know who they are. And this is why we have so much noise on social media. This is why we have so many business owners who are not getting sales or getting the sales they desire, because they do not know who they're talking to, or they're talking to everyone, which means you are talking to no one. If you're talking to everyone, you're talking to no one, because no one can feel the conviction and they can't see themselves in what you're saying, through content, verbally or through your podcast or visually, through a video. They don't feel it. And the fifth thing, if you want to grow a big business, you get to be putting your offers in the spotlight every single freaking day, your products, your offers. A lot of times, what I hear from most of my audience is they are afraid of being salesy, and so therefore they cower back. They don't talk about their offers, which means nobody knows what they do. They don't know how they can buy from them. There's no clear path, and so they don't sell. And if you're like, Well, I talked about my offer three times. It's not enough every single day in a different way. We teach this in the sold out framework, I teach you how to sell every single day without feeling salesy. Content strategies for selling that don't. Feel salesy. They just tell the ideal person exactly what the offer does, without saying, buy me. Look at me. I'm here. But most of us aren't doing that. Enough. Selling is service. You want somebody to get a real result that comes from an exchange of energy called they buy, you deliver. That's how you get massive transformation. That's how you change people's lives all through that exchange. So those are the top five things, because I put my hand up from the screen the top five things that, if you want to grow a big business, that you get to be working on every single day. You get to be refining every single day. You get to be consistent with every single day. You get to believe and feel convicted about every single day. Like these are so important. And I have been doing some combination of these since 2019 I've been in business since, with this business since 2015 so going on 10 years, it works. Most businesses end in two years. There's a bigger percentage. It doesn't make it five years. I made it double that for a reason. So the question is, are you doing these things? Are you refining these things? And if you're like, I kinda a little bit, I don't know how to refine them, like, I just keep putting the same thing out there, but I'm not getting different results. And this is an opportunity to invite you to the visibility, impact experience, because we are going to do this, there's going to be accountability. I'm going to teach you deeply on all of these subjects, what to be doing, and they are going to serve and support you so much, so much deeper into 2025 so it's the perfect experience, slash challenge. To start in January, we are going to spend 21 days together. They say it takes 21 days to build a habit. So we're going to do that, and there's going to be accountability. I mean, that's just the main thing. It's going to be accountability. I'm going to teach you, and I'm going to serve and support you and pour so much into you that you're going to feel so confident in these five things and doing them every single day. And I cannot wait to do this with you. If you want more details, let me know if there may be a link already down there in the comments that you can grab if you don't see it, just DM me or drop a drop an emoji, and I'll make sure that I get it to you. So I cannot wait to see you inside of the visibility, impact experience, and let me just tell you, it's insane. It's an insane price. You're going to get so much value, and it's going to serve and support you throughout 2025 and beyond. You.