The Visibility Impact Show
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The Visibility Impact Show
Recurring Revenue & Visibility: The Key to Scaling with Ease
If you're tired of starting from zero every month, this episode is for you. Discover how recurring revenue creates stability, fuels organic visibility, and gives you the freedom to scale without burnout.
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When it comes to scaling your business and creating a big business, there are two things that you're going to need to really, truly optimize that scaling number one, visibility number two, recurring revenue, and they both help each other out. Now, if this is a what comes first the chicken or the egg kind of situation, obviously, visibility is going to come first in this situation, because visibility is going to allow you, when you show up, when you position yourself, when you do all the things that I teach right, visibility is going to allow you to attract more raving fans that are going to help you create the monthly recurring revenue. However, right? It can also, once you start getting that monthly recurring revenue, it can actually create momentum and create almost more visibility for you. And so we're going to talk about that today, because I think that's really going to support you in your business, whether you are a maybe you are a one to one service provider, you do Done For You things, or you are one to one coaching only, and you really want to maximize that outside of your current one to one services. Because when we do one to many, what does that mean? That means that, okay, I can sell one thing and make money off of it multiple times. I can serve many people at the same time, right? And make multiple revenue with the same amount of time. So it's only this time is what I'm going to spend. So if I'm going to do an hour group coaching call, right? It is an hour now. I can have one person buy that. I can have multiple people buy that the work is the same. And so that's what we want to talk about when we're talking about scaling the work is the same. So how can we maximize this? And my word of the year is maximized. So we'll be talking about that a lot throughout 2025 because we want to maximize everything that we do. So why monthly recurring revenue can actually help increase your visibility is because number one, it is stability. It's security. It means that every month you're not starting at zero. So there is this different energy when you show up in overflow versus when you show up in lack. So when you show up in lack, you're like, I need the money. I need to convince people to buy from me. And that's a way different energy than knowing you already have revenue coming, right? You're here to serve and support. Selling is easier. There is no Oh, on March 1, right? I or April 1, whatever month that you're in. There's no like, oh my gosh, everything resets. I start back at zero, right? And there's a lot of you know, and some people in some businesses can't help but do that. However, the more that we can be strategic and be smarter and add in opportunities for recurring revenue, the better we're going to be. Maybe you are a again, a coach or a one on one service provider. You do Done For You things and people have retainers, so you don't start at zero, but you also are capped out again, monthly recurring revenue programs, offers, Evergreen offers, courses, things like that, can help create more monthly recurring revenue. Now, when we have recurring clients that also is going to support our visibility, why is that? They see you every month. They are a raving fan. They keep coming back for more what else happens? They're going to get more success because they're staying in your world. They're doing the things. That means, the more success they have, the more they're talking about it, the more you're able to talk about it, the more they're referring you to other people. So again, so much more organic, organic visibility and growth, right? And so we want as much of that as possible. And when we show people what's possible through the success of our clients who stay in our world, who keep coming back for more again, it is a win win. It is a visibility thing. It is monthly recurring revenue thing, they both go hand in hand, and they both just make everything so much easier in your business. The next thing is, is that you have predictable revenue, right? So, you know, maybe you have people that sign up for a membership six or 12 months. And obviously that does not mean that people can't leave and and violate the terms of the condition or the agreement. However, when you do this for the most part, you know that most people are going to be their word they're going to do what they say they're going to do, and so you have predictable income. So what else can you do? You can maximize your visibility from taking that organic visibility and maximizing it on ads. You can maximize that organic visit. Visibility, right? And and add it, maybe pay for somebody to pitch you for podcasts or speaking opportunities. Again, you're taking this organic visibility and you're maximizing it through the paid avenues. Now, first of all, if you're not getting anywhere for free, like organic, there's no reason to put money behind that, because if something's not converting, it's not going to convert just because you throw more money at it, it really is truly you starting with your messaging and all that stuff. That's not what this training is about, but you want to make sure you're maximizing that. So if you're already getting yourself out there, you're already getting conversions, you're already getting attention through your organic means of content. Can I put a couple 100 bucks, or maybe$1,000 behind some support that could get me out there even more. Again, there's, there's things like, I do this subscription. It's called, it's for podcast. I can't remember the name, actually. What is it called? Regardless? I'll drop the link in the in the comments. But what this does is it matches you, so it's automatic, right? It's like, AI, everybody pays for the subscription, and then it's like, $32 a month. And then a really good friend, Rebecca, mended it to me, and it's been great, because I literally go on there, I make the matches, I schedule the time. It's a whole platform. It connects me with people. It gives you, like, three matches, I think, every four hours. So obviously, I'm not on there, like every four hours, but when I go to make time for it, I can match. So I have, I want to say, 10 or 12 podcast episodes scheduled, like to be a guest, to get in front of other people's audiences. That is maximizing my time. I don't have to go look for all these podcast opportunities, because they're right there on a platform, right? And so when you have predictable income, you're able to do things like that, or bigger things again, like paying someone or a BA or something to go pitch you for these opportunities. So the next thing is, how do we build this recurring revenue? How do we build that? What's the best way to build it? Well, obviously, when we have something like memberships and subscriptions, those types of models are always going to create more recurring revenue. Whether it's a cancel anytime, whether it is a 612, month commitment, you get to decide what that looks like, but I have found this is the best way to create recurring revenue. Now it does not mean, oh, let me create something and then ghost you. No, you are pouring into these people. You are giving everything to these people. So you are still working. However, it is a great model, right? But make sure that you're ready. If you're saying you got to sign up for a year commitment, make sure you're ready to give a year commitment, right? And then if people are starting at different times, you are in, right? You're only going to be you're only going to do something, you're ready to be your word for. The next thing is we can do, if you're a service provider, if you do coaching, you can do a retainer. So you can do, like, a three, six month retainer. And so this is more like done for you, models, again, service providers, one on one, coaching and things like that. There's a retainer. The next thing is like payment plans. Now, payment plans can be recurring revenue. However, please don't do a year payment plan on a four week program, because the odd that they are going to default on that are high. It doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense. Have I done this? Yes, I absolutely have done this. However, it just doesn't make sense. And also, once the program is over, people start thinking, there is strategies to do this. We talk about this in sweet success. But what happens is, when the four weeks are over, people keep seeing the payment coming out, and they're like, I already did that. Why am I still paying for this? They don't remember. They forget that fast. So that's why I recommend if you're doing a four week program or a four week course, or four week coaching or whatever. I wouldn't do it past eight weeks. So I would do two, like one or two monthly payments, and that would make more sense. The other thing is, is that you can do something. So one of the things I loved was, for example, I had, I bought, like, a branding photo package, and so I paid for it every single month. However, I did not get a photo shoot. Thank God. Every single month. I couldn't do that, but it was every quarter, right? But they broke it up in 12 month payments. That's another really great thing that you can do. You're maybe you're going to do audits for somebody every quarter, right? Or you're going to do consultations or strategies, set up strategies every quarter of the year, but they want to spread it out, and so that creates monthly revenue for you, even though you're only talking to them or or doing the work four times a year. So again, really great things that you can do that will really serve and support you also my content, my seasonal content is four times a year, right? And people can, can pay for it. They can get on a recurring revenue. Revenue, or recurring revenue or recurring payment, so that each season that comes out right again. There's so many really cool ways to do this. So how can you maximize this? First of all, make sure you're getting visible, make sure you're putting yourself out there. Make sure you're growing your brand. That's important, right? That is so important. Everything you do is a Brand Builder. The next thing is, find a recurring revenue model that fits you, that fits you, fits your goals, fits your what you want in the future, like look at the big picture. Don't look at just today. Look at the big picture. Show up. Talk about those offers consistently, obviously. And then focus on retention. Because when you keep your people in your world, when people don't leave right, you're going to fuel more long term visibility, whether that is a one time offer that they buy, or they have a great offer suite that you know maybe you don't have necessarily monthly recurring revenue in, but the offer suite is just so seamless that they keep coming back for more. It's what we talk about inside of sweet success. So make sure that you are visible, creating recurring revenue, and your business is going to feel you're going to be in a happier place. You're going to be overflowing. You're going to be in so much more abundance, way less lack, way less stress. And that means that you're going to feel like going live and feel like showing up on video, so much more because it just makes sense for your business. So what are the two takeaways? Visibility, monthly recurring revenue will make your business scale and go to the extra mile and create that momentum that you have been looking for stop.