The Visibility Impact Show

The Fastest Offer to Sell for Quick Visibility & Cash Flow

Crissy Conner Season 14 Episode 558

 Struggling to sell fast? In this episode, we dive into why money loves speed, how to pre-sell with conviction, and the secret to turning an idea into cash flow—without overthinking. 

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So today, we are going to chat about the fastest offer for quick visibility and cash flow, and I know this is going to serve and support you so much. Let me take you back to about a year ago. I was on my way to the grocery store, and I had this thought come in my mind now, the grocery store is like, five, maybe eight minutes away. And so this thought comes to my mind, and I'm like, Oh my gosh, this is the next offer. Like, it landed that fast. I didn't plan it out. I didn't have a name. I knew what it was going to accomplish and what it was going to do. That's it. That's the only data I had. And so I drive, I'm driving to the grocery store, and this, this whole program, is like formulating in my head, and I get to the parking lot, and what do I do? I pull up my Instagram stories. I talk about the offer. I say, I don't know what it's called, like the secret offer for right now, or an unnamed offer, whatever you want to call it, and I started selling it right then and there. Let's talk about this a second. How could I sell it that fast? How well Money loves speed indecision costs us a lot more money than and keeps us from making a lot more money than we could, right? I felt that offer in my soul, like I felt it. And so because I felt that offer, it was very easy sell. It was very natural, like I wasn't overthinking it, right? I knew exactly what this offer was, what the result they were going to get, what we were going to do in this offer. And boom, did I have the curriculum? Nope. Did I have a name? No, to have branding? No. Did I have a website? Absolutely not. I had nothing for this offer. But this offer sold very well, and I will never forget this moment because I didn't like make excuses. I didn't say, Well, I don't have XYZ. I put it in my Instagram Stories, created a video, and then said, DM me, whatever the word was to get the link by the time I got home from the grocery store, guess what? We had to create a PayPal or a stripe blank, probably straight, but whatever, and I was able to send that to people. The quickest offer that you can create is the one that comes to you and you don't overthink it, the one that comes to you that you feel in your soul so convicted about that it is going to serve and support your audience, the one that you literally want to just like, jump up and down and scream it to the world that's the best offer. Like nobody can outsell you, as long as you have an audience, long as you have raving fans. When that type of offer comes around, this is the same thing that's true with visibility and video and all of these things. When you feel convicted, when something happens when you see somebody doing something that you 100% agree with, and you you know that's why they got success, or you 100% don't agree with, and you know that's why they're failing at whatever it is. Fill in the blanks, health, business, life, finances, you go live about that. That conviction is going to serve you more than anything else, that fast action is going to serve you more than anything else. The problem is we overthink everything. The problem is we try to make everything perfect. The problem is we try to be fully prepared for every scenario. And don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with with dotting your eyes and crossing your T's, but wealth, like the enemy of wealth, is delay. And so what I see happen with most people is this, oh my gosh, I'm so excited about this offer. I'm going to create this offer, and then you go create the offer. Maybe it's a course, maybe you do the branding, maybe you do the website, the landing pages, you figure out what to price it, and four weeks go by and you're ready to sell it. Well, that energy that you had four weeks ago is long gone. It's not here. It has left the building. And so therefore you try to show up with that excitement. I'm not saying you can't tap back into it, but I'm saying. The majority of people of what I see happening is that they've lost that excitement, they've lost that that conviction, they've lost that confidence, because they took so much time to make sure all their eyes were dotted and their T's were crossed, and then they struggle to sell it. The same energy isn't there? This is why I pre sell everything. This is why it's so much easier. I pre sell everything, unless it's an evergreen product, and sometimes I pre sell those. Why are we doing this to ourselves? There is a time and a place to do all the things ahead of time, and especially if it's a signature offer, or you can tap back into that, but you're going to see so much more success when you just move. Make the move. An object in motion stays in motion, meaning when you are feeling that conviction, go talk about it. When you are feeling that conviction, go sell the offer. When you are feeling that conviction, your audience is going to feel that intention so much deeper. And here's the thing, you can even say, this is a pre sell. We don't start in four weeks and then be creating behind the scenes. But don't block yourself. Don't keep yourself from making that revenue because you're so excited in that moment. And here's the thing that I love, when I feel this way, and when I do this, I can go back and look at that video or that story or whatever, and tap back into my conviction. Oh my gosh, I was on fire. My clients have this program that's their favorite. They've watched it many times, and I don't even know if I outdid it year two from year one. They'll have to tell me, but they always talk about this program they watched like, eight or 10 times, and I went back to watch that when I was creating the year two program, and I was like, okay, dang, I see what they're saying. Like I feel this, like I feel this, like I feel this right now, and that's me, right? So sometimes we have to tap back into our own feelings. I love doing like interviews and podcast interviews and things like that, because they can tap me back into my conviction very quick. Conviction very quickly. Because what do they do? Tell me your story. Tell me what happened. Why do you do what you do? Why is it so important you do what you do? You tap back into your why? Every time you're on a podcast interview or somebody's interviewing you, and so we can create really quick offers. Or we can create offers that really take their time. It's not really hard to create an offer. If you're a coach service provider, you do accountability, any type of coach right, any type of accountability, if you guide people right, you can literally go sell a one hour call right now. You can go sell 30 days of telegram access right now. Put a number on it, create a stripe link, go talk about it. Most of your selling, especially as a personal brand, most of your selling is done in your content. Your content drives the traffic to your landing page or your website. We make it all way more complicated. It needs to be it doesn't need to be that complicated. We think it does. So I'm going to give you some tips right now. Remember, visibility loves momentum, fast action, fast action, right gets attention. It gets attention because of the conviction, because of the confidence, because of the way you show up and you talk about it. People buy clarity and urgency, not over complicated offers. When we take four weeks to come out with an offer, that's when we get in our head. That's when we try to over complicate things. That's when we forget the point of the offer, right? We try to tell them all the the whole kit and caboodle that's in the offer. They don't really need to know that. They just want to know the outcome. Who do I become in this process? And then selling something now is going to bring not only engagement and curiosity and attention, but also cash more visibility, right? So how can we do this really quickly? Number one, pick a specific problem to solve, and I would sit down and write down on a piece of paper like, obviously, I love when offers just naturally come to me, and sometimes I'm not even thinking about them, and it's just pops in my head and I go sell it. That doesn't always happen, right? So write down all of the problems your audience is experiencing. Which one have you overcome the most strategically? Which one have you had the most success with? How can you sell that to your audience? Is it a live pro? Program or a live master class. Is it a telegram program? Is it a one on one? Is it a 90 minute intensive? Is it a VIP day? Again, you get to decide. Is a social media audit? It could be any of those things. Price it. I always say, price will feels really, really good, and then add 10 to 20% on it, because we want to make it a little bit uncomfortable, right? You can create a quick sales post or a sales page if you want, but really, you just need to talk about it on social media. Give people a sense of urgency. There's only two spots this price increases in 48 hours, the bonuses leave in 24 hours. Like, what's the sense of urgency? Get them to an easy Yes, right? And don't overthink it. Solve a problem. Name it. Or, if you don't have the name yet, that's fine too. Price it and sell it. Use your tools, live video, use your stories, use your email, use your social media posts to talk about it, and then leverage your early buyers, like the people who buy right at the beginning. What do you say to them? What made you say yes to this offer? Why are you so excited about this offer? Use their words to sell more of that offer. Yes, I'm making it sound super easy, because it is. You need to stop overthinking and just move. And this is coming from the most indecisive, indecisive person ever. Before I made any life decision, I used to write down long lists of pros and cons overthink everything, like I could have won a contest for overthinking, and I realized in business, that's not the way it goes. They did a study, more CEOs lose money from delay than they do making a mistake, like, if they moved fast and it was a mistake, they actually still lost more money by delay. So don't delay. Do the thing. Move. Go for it. And I cannot wait to see you take this action, create this offer, sell it, increase your visibility, increase your bank account, and all the things that come along with that. Do.

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