The Visibility Impact Show

6 Reasons Your Launch is Failing (Fix These & Sell More!)

Crissy Conner Season 14 Episode 559

Why most launches fail...
If your launches aren’t hitting your goals, you might be making one (or more) of these 6 common mistakes—and fixing them can change everything! In this video, I break down exactly how to increase your visibility, build demand, and make selling effortless. 

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Most launches fail because of the reasons I'm going to tell you about today. So if you are about to launch, or if you like, have a launch coming up, even in the next six months, like I would really take a minute and write down what I'm going to tell you today, because it's going to serve and support and support you so much. And honestly, I think a lot of times, people think there's a lot of work that goes into launches, and launching is like one of the easiest things that there is we just put this pressure on ourselves to go into launch mode, and therefore we make it all this bigger deal than it really needs to be. Okay. So when it comes to launching, this is what I see, and this is where I see most people fail, or most people aren't doing these things, and if they were, it would change the results of their launch tremendously. Okay, so the first thing is we need to know these things, because if people don't know about our offer, it doesn't matter how great it is, right? Obviously, we want to have a great offer. We don't want to just sell air, right? We want to sell something that our audience actually desires. Right? Most launches are going to fail because of a visibility gap, and we're going to talk about that. And then the more visible you are before during your launch, typically, the more sales that you make. There are some nuances with that, but let's get into it. Okay, so the biggest mistakes that kill launches are pre launch visibility. I see so many people come into the online space and say, Well, you know, I've been building this business for a year, I haven't been visible, but I've been dotting on my eyes and crossing all my T's, and I'm going to launch this offer in like four weeks. Okay, I'm not saying you can't get a lot of visibility in four weeks, but think of all the time you've just been behind the scenes when you could have been getting visible, even if it is tiptoeing in, even if it is like gradually going for it, right? And so so many people wait until a week to four weeks before their launch and be like, Oh, good. Let's get visible. Now it's time to get visible. Gotta put myself out there. Put yourself out there. Now, stop waiting, stop waiting. Stop waiting, stop waiting. I'm going to say this forever. I'm never going to change my tune on this, or at least I don't think I am. But let me tell you, this is one of the biggest mistakes that I see. Only talking about your offer once or twice. I'm just going to say this when I go look at an offer, I'm like, Oh my gosh, that's kind of cool, right? That's what happens. I see an offer, and I'm like, oh, that's kind of cool. The next time I go to an offer, oh my gosh. Like, I wonder if I need this. The third time I see an offer, like, I'm really feeling called to this. I'm really feeling like I should say yes to this. What if the fourth time never happens? What if the of course, my nose is going to itch, um. What if the the offer, because they weren't selling it, they decided not to offer it again. So guess what? What does that mean to me? Out of sight, out of mind, you didn't bring it up. I'm assuming you're not selling it anymore. You didn't bring it up. I guess I don't need it anymore, right? And so this happens so many times. There are a lot of things I buy on the first time, and there are a lot of things that have to be conditioned and repeated on that great repetition strategy in my head. So when we are not talking about our offers enough, we are not giving people as many opportunities to make the purchase, okay, not creating demand first. So visibility is obviously about being seen. However, it's more than being seen. It's about being convicted what you about what you do. It's about having a mission so strong and so deep that that's your why that like you literally are talking about it so much that you have this this audience that feels part of this mission. They want to be a part of that mission. Because the way you describe it, the way you talk about it, the conviction you have when you when you talk about it like they want to be a part of that. This is where messaging come in. Comes in and messaging matters, and you will be refining your message, messaging from day one. That's why I'm telling you don't get visible four weeks. I mean, if you're not visible, please get visible now. But don't wait until four weeks before, because you can be refining your messaging throughout that time that you're building, whatever you're building, right? Don't wait. People ask me all the time I want to start a business. I don't know what. Want to do yet. What do you recommend I do? Number one, build relationships. Number two, get visible. Teach your audience something. Get visible. Put yourself out there. Okay. The next thing is, we need to create different mediums of content. I am not telling you when visibility happens to get on video. Do all live videos. Do all reels. Do all to I want you to create a variety of content that your audience can digest. Some days I want to watch a video. Some days I just want to read. I want you to get to the point give them that variety and with a great repetition strategy, and you're going to build like know and trust so much more deeper will, well, well, well before your launch, okay, um, the other thing that I see is people stop and start a lot, meaning I launch something. So let me go in hiding, and then let me come back out three, six months from now. No, this does not work this way. Keep a consistent a consistent rhythm of your visibility, keep a consistent rhythm of showing up, keep a consistent rhythm of giving value. Not just like boom, let me go launch. Okay, launch is over. Let me go into hiding. I'll come back out in a year. That's not how it works, okay? And the sixth reason that I see people not be as successful with their launches they want is they just don't like their offer. They're not obsessed with it. They could take it or leave it. They don't really feel their offer. They don't really know their offer. They don't really know the results of their offer. They don't know the transformation of the offer. They don't know what the the identity shift is of their person when they buy the offer. If you don't feel that conviction, this is one of the reasons we're doing sweet success, is because if you don't feel that, they're not going to feel it either. If you create a piece of content without emotion and without conviction, it's not going to magically show up on the other end. And so this is where that conviction, that knowing, that belief, that confidence in your offer, I think it's a grant. Is it Grant Cardone, I think that I read that are in his book, if you're not confident, they're going to know if you don't love it. Stop selling it or add it as an order bump or something. But stop trying to convince people when you literally don't convince people anyhow. But stop trying to convince people when you literally aren't even convinced, right? You don't even believe in it. So we get to talk about our offers long before we sell them, or we talk about what we do and what we're known for long before we're even selling the or doing the launch right? And we want to really start going into the launch process. I mean, if I'm going to sell something, I'm going to launch something, I'm going to start talking about it in my content. I'm going to shift my content over to that topic, right? I'm talking a lot about offer suites right now. So we're talking about a lot of things that go with offers and selling your offers, because that is the same thing. That is the same theme, right? It's same similar topic. You need all of these things when you show up consistently, your audience really starts to trust you, and we want to build that trust. We want to attract raving fans, and we can do that if you're only going to show up four weeks before your launch. But let me tell you, it's going to be a lot more easier, a lot easier, and you're going to have so many more opportunities build like know and trust, because some people need more than four weeks, and some people need more than four months and some people need four years. Plain and simple, everybody has a different comfort. Build trust level, okay, use different content formats. Again, lives, posts, emails, really. Just to stay top of mind all those visibility touch points, we want to get all of them, because our audience digest visibility or digest our content differently, right, even on different days. And then we want to keep the momentum after our launch, so that we're not feeling like we're like coming up from the dark hole when it's time to launch the next offer, right? Like, Hi, I'm back. I took a social media break for four months, and now I want to sell you something else. No, we're in this to serve. We're in this to support. We're in this just for more than that launch. We're in this for our mission and our and our movement, and all the things that we have inside of us that we want to really serve and support our audience with. Okay, all right, drop into your questions. I hope this serves and supports you for your next launch, and stop letting it scare you. And if you're like I know my offer suite is just not where it needs to be. Make sure you check out sweet success, because that's going to serve and support you so that selling feels so much more effortless and it really aligns with who you are, what you desire. And. You know your audience needs and how you can really change their life. You.

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